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"MBA teaches you the value of out-of-the-box thinking and how to go about it" says Vedant Vashishta recent alumnus, currently working with Carlsberg Pvt. Ltd

"MBA teaches you the value of out-of-the-box thinking and how to go about it" says Vedant Vashishta recent alumnus, currently working with Carlsberg Pvt. Ltd

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“It is easy to sit in an air-conditioned classroom and receive lectures on marketing, finance, and various other subjects; however, it’s very difficult to actually go out in the field and perform.” These are the words of Vedant Vashistha, a PGDM course batch 2012-14 alumnus from Jaipuria Institute of Management, Noida. He was placed with Carlsberg Pvt. Ltd. India as a Key accounts executive during campus recruitment. He has been with the organization for almost a year and is looking forward to an exciting journey ahead.

Vedant describes his job as an exciting opportunity, although he admits to the complexity of the sector and domain. Talking about the challenges of his job, he explains that there are extremely stringent Government regulations in the marketing industry. However, he believes that he is making definite progress and he attributes it to his dual specialization in marketing and finance, as well as his ability to multitask.

“MBA polishes your personality”, Vedant says, discussing the importance of management education in the current business environment. He advises MBA aspirants to ‘learn by doing: “learn practical things and do your projects well. Also, try to think out of the box. Run-of-the-mill jobs and attitudes are not the way to succeed today.”

Vedant’s fondest memories from Jaipuria are from the time he spent in a hostel making friends and engaging in intellectual conversations. He is excited about what the future holds for him, and he is looking forward to meeting the challenges head-on!

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