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Entrepreneurship E-summit kicks off E-Week 2015 at Jaipuria, Noida on a rousing note

Entrepreneurship E-summit kicks off E-Week 2015 at Jaipuria, Noida on a rousing note

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Navikarna, the E-cell of Jaipuria, Noida recently organized an E-Week 2015 themed “Creating Jobs for Millions”. The week long activities kick started on 14th Feb with the E-summit that brought together entrepreneurs to share their experience with students.

In a bid to celebrate entrepreneurship, several activities were also lined up for the day of the summit. Thus in a fun and exciting way, the summit strived to offer crucial entrepreneurship mantras to the students. And one of the important mantras that students learned at the event, was about the overall impact entrepreneurship has on the society.

Some of the big name speakers at the summit were Dr. Dave Valliere, Professor, School of Business Management, Ryerson University, Toronto, Mr. Satvinder Singh, Senior General Manager, National Small Industries Corporation (NSIC), Mr. Manish, Director, Raashika Industries Private Limited and Mr. Tushar Garg, Head, Shankar Gramudyog Sewa Sansthan.

Dr. Swati Agrawal, co-coordinator, E-Week began the proceedings with the opening address that focused on Entrepreneurial Mindset and relevance of Intrapreneurship. Dr. Poonam Sharma, Associate Dean then gave the official welcome address to the esteemed panelists and guests at the summit. In her speech she talked about the importance of young entrepreneurs to our country and society on the whole. She also stressed that they had an opportunity to make the most out of demographic dividend, which was inspiring to students in the gathering.

It was then the turn of the speakers to enthrall the audience with their experiences and anecdotes. Dr. Dave started the discussion by saying, “All businesses start with one person and entrepreneurship is all about seeing the gap before others perceive it. One’s small actions can make a huge difference to the society.”

Mr. Singh talked about the platform offered by the Government in the form of NSIC and shed light on processes of registering new start-ups, acquiring funds, technical support, contacting suppliers, tapping FDI opportunities and more, for the benefit of future entrepreneurs amidst them.

Becoming an entrepreneur often means quitting the security of a cushy, well-paid job. That’s exactly what Mr. Manish did and he shared the experience by saying, “In spite of being a top executive with my company, there was an unsatisfied zeal to make a mark in the society. One entrepreneur has an effect on twenty-five lives indirectly by employing just five people.”

Mr. Tushar’s story of a small handmade paper unit to country’s leading manufacturer further inspired the students to become entrepreneurs and make a difference. Noted faculty members from Jaipuria, Noida Dr. Ritika Gugnani, Prof Moinuddin Ahmed and Dr. V.K. Tomar also made an impact with the audience with their seasoned views.

Amongst the activities held, the highly popular Entrepreneur Quiz, was won by Sahil Duhan and Manish Kumar. Junk-o-preneur focused on the principles of reduce, reuse, recycle while fostering creativity and innovation amongst budding entrepreneurs. Their persuasion skills to sell the items were also put to test in a contest that was won by Pradeep Kumar Sahu and Bijit Ghosh.

Thus the E-summit set the ball rolling for the weeklong event to follow and raise much anticipation.

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