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“Being a science student, accounting and finance were new to me. But the faculties, and my batch-mates at Jaipuria Lucknow, helped turn them into my strength.”

“Being a science student, accounting and finance were new to me. But the faculties, and my batch-mates at Jaipuria Lucknow, helped turn them into my strength.”

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“During my first year at Jaipuria Lucknow, I realised that my inclination was more towards Finance subjects. I enjoyed picking up all kinds of information about Finance from the newspapers, TV, Internet or discussions with colleagues at Jaipuria Lucknow. By the end of the first year, I had decided that I would specialise in Finance. Banking became my dream sector.”

In 2011, Jayanti cracked her summer internship with the Union Bank of India regional office, Allahabad. Her project was ‘Assessment of working capital requirement of export finance with special reference to carpet export’.

“My project mentor at Union Bank of India was Mr. Sanjay Narayan, Senior Manager, Credit. Under his guidance, I was able to learn a lot about Banking Finance, which further strengthened my interest and inclination towards Finance. The best part was that if I needed some clarification, I could pick up the phone and call up my faculty guide at Jaipuria Lucknow, regardless of the time of day.”

This summer internship played a major role in grooming Jayanti for the banking sector; not just in terms of knowledge about finance, but practical exposure to the sector as well. It prepared her well for the placement season in Jaipuria Lucknow, especially her interview with Oriental Bank of Commerce.

“The interview panel initially asked me to introduce myself and there were some questions regarding my family and educational background. This made me quite comfortable with the interview. Then, there were some questions on finance subjects, but very soon the interview turned into a discussion on my summer training project. Once this happened, I was able to take the interview to a desirable conclusion.”

Jayanti believes that ‘being confident’ is the mantra for facing any interview. She feels that the placement process is a mix of success and failures; patience and determination is necessary to succeed. Ultimately, hard work always pays.

“Being a Science student, Accounting and Finance were new to me. I did face some difficulties but gradually, with the help of faculty, the well-managed teaching pattern and my batch-mates at Jaipuria Lucknow, I was able to turn these subjects into my strength. During the placements, extra classes were conducted to align us with the expectations of the industry, which proved to be very useful.”

Jayanti believes that life in Jaipuria Lucknow is absolutely amazing; she feels it has completely shaped her professional path as well as her personality. She fondly remembers Talaash, a fest which is more like a talent hunt from among the first year students. Over her two years at Jaipuria Lucknow, she participated in numerous events, and won the 2nd prize in badminton. As a member of the alumni committee of Jaipuria Lucknow, she had the privilege of coordinating alumni meets for various chapters.

All in all, Jayanti is very happy with the decision she made about studying here at Jaipuria Lucknow.

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