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"The professional and diverse culture on campus at Jaipuria Indore ensures a holistic learning experience," says Prathamesh Chaturvedi (Jaipuria, Indore Campus, Batch 2014-16).

"The professional and diverse culture on campus at Jaipuria Indore ensures a holistic learning experience," says Prathamesh Chaturvedi (Jaipuria, Indore Campus, Batch 2014-16).

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Prathmesh Chaturvedi’s start to a successful international placement began with Jaipuria Indore’s summer internship program where he was placed with Hindustan Coca-Cola Beverages Pvt. Ltd.

Prathmesh Chaturvedi (Jaipuria, Indore campus, batch of 2014-6), was looking for more than just a B.Com degree. He wanted to add an MBA to his qualifications so that he could increase his business knowledge and managerial skills, take the right decisions and learn how to balance his professional and personal life. Selecting the right institute was thus an important decision. “There are a lot of Business Schools in our country, so after  much research on education portals and speaking with friends, seniors and family about which B-School would be more suited to me, I chose Jaipuria Institute of Management, Indore. Its placement record and world class faculty only reinforced my choice,” he explains.

Today with a job in the Midcom Group, a leading telecommunications distributor in the Middle-East and Africa, Chaturvedi looks back at the placement process with a huge sense of accomplishment. “My placement officer always believed in me. It was under his guidance that I succeeded in cracking the interview – that took place through a series of Skype calls,” he recalls. Recounting how he was grilled in almost every area, this young man says that it was his confidence, honesty, his focus and preparedness that finally won him the day. His role in the organisation as Executive Trainee encompasses managing business with distributors and retailers across the African subcontinent, getting in new business, identifying new markets and business opportunities and much more.

“The managerial skills as well as soft skills that I learnt during the PGDM course with Jaipuria, Indore, as well as the basics of marketing and business management taught by the faculty are definitely going to help me in shaping my career,” says Chaturvedi. However, the start to his successful international placement began with Jaipuria Indore’s summer internship program where he was placed with Hindustan Coca-Cola Beverages Pvt. Ltd. (HCCBPL), Vadodara and Anand, Gujarat. “The subject of my project was, ‘Marketing Development using new Products for new Customers: An Exploratory Study’ and it was guided by my mentor and placement officer,” he says looking back on this period with pride.

And he has every reason to be gratified because at the end of his internship he was awarded “best performer among all the interns across all four Jaipuria campuses by the Area Sales Manager, HCCBPL, Central Gujarat. “It was all the result of the hard work and learning process at Jaipuria, Indore,” he admits.

Today, as he steps into a corporate career, this young man says that his all-round growth at Jaipuria Institute of Management, Indore has ensured that he is a far more focused, confident and down to earth individual. “It is the culture on campus, which is professional as well as diverse in terms of personality development and social activities that ensures a holistic learning experience,” he elaborates. Campus Coordinator of the CSR committee, Coordinator of the Marketing Club (AY 14-15) and part of the Student Excellence Council (AY15-16), Chaturvedi recalls his early days at Jaipuria Indore, “When we used to begin the day doing Yoga. This was followed by intense classroom learning, presentations, cultural evenings and group discussions. The involvement of the faculty throughout the degree, the mentorship, that helped me get this far… All these are experiences I won’t forget,” he says advising students to be determined and dedicated. “Be down to earth, keep trying to achieve better than your previous successes and you will get what you want!” Sage words from someone who’s been there and come out with flying colours.

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