“The faculty at Jaipuria, Indore is very cooperative and highly professional. They guide and motivate us at every step and have a stimulating teaching style that keeps students involved,” says Manisha Kalita (Jaipuria Indore Class of 2015-17)
After having completed a B.Com from Guwahati University, Manisha Kalita decided that she wanted to do a PGDM so that she could develop her skill-sets and get onto a suitable career path. “I chose Jaipuria, Indore because of its strong general academic reputation, its way of giving students the right opportunities and its way of enhancing a student’s skill development and knowledge base,” she says.
Her journey at Jaipuria Institute of Management, Indore has been, as she puts it, “a tremendous life-changing experience.” One where she “gained a lot of knowledge, learnt business etiquette” and was provided with a platform where she “could explore and get to know her strengths and weaknesses.” Kalita says she still recalls her first presentation “Where I worked all night to do my best and the appreciation I got from the faculty thereafter is something I will always cherish.” Jaipuria, Indore journey has been a sheer eye-opener says this young lady. “Everyday has been a different one full of new experiences. The number of presentations and reports I have made, how much knowledge I have gained — it has all been worth it.”
Life at Jaipuria, Indore has included a load of fun times as well. As this young lady says, “We have studied hard but also celebrated birthdays at midnight! I am involved in so many other activities apart from just studies. I am part of the Training and Development Committee, CSR Committee and the IT Club and HR Committee. I have anchored programmes and sung on stage for the first time! In fact a huge life-changing experience for me was overcoming my stage fright. This happened quite by chance during induction week when I made my first presentation in front of so many people.”