Dr. Shalini Srivastava, Asst. Dean-Research & Publication, Jaipuria Noida, has recently had two of her research papers published in prestigious European journals. Here, she talks about her papers, the need for research rigor and research environment for any institute to contribute meaningfully to the world of Management.
“The first of my research papers, “Investigating the Mediating Effect of Psychological Empowerment on Quality of Work Life- Organizational Commitment Relationship: A Study on Indian IT Sector Managers”, published in the International Journal of Management & Development, attempted to explore the associations between the psychological empowerment, organizational commitment and quality of work life amongst 180 middle-level executives,” explains Dr. Srivastava while we sat there asking her multiple questions about her latest paper.
The research is relevant for industry since this research will make a modest contribution to practicing managers in terms of how they can keep their workforce committed as all organizations expect a committed workforce that can define their objectives and set the means for achievement. The companies in their strategic plans need to focus on providing a healthy work climate and adequate work life comfort in order to establish quality of work life standards for the employees in the IT companies.
The other paper entitled “Work Deviant Behavior-Employee Engagement: An Empirical Investigation of the Role of Ethical Leadership of Indian Middle Level Managers” explores the relationship between work deviant behavior and employee engagement, as well as the moderating role of Ethical leadership on the relationship in the non-western world.
This research is also equally relevant because ethical leadership is of utmost importance for the well-being of an organization in general and its employees in particular. The leaders of organizations should minutely observe the behavior of the employees and take measures to check the deviant activities. In order to make the employees engaged, it is very important for leaders to value the integrity and moral standards of the employees. This will happen only when the leaders act as role models by actively engaging themselves in the day-to-day activities of an organization. The organizations should also realize that it is very difficult to get loyal and committed employees; therefore, it should leave no stone unturned to make them stay happy and engaged.
“I do believe that for academic excellence, teaching, and training, research plays a vital role for a management Institute in general and a faculty member in particular. When we do good research, we directly contribute to the world of Management. Publishing papers or cases gives one an identity of excellence. Additionally, an Institute is not recognized by its physical shape but rather by the efforts of all stake-holders in it. In the case of faculty, it is the thought leadership they develop, which is reflected through the research work they do,” believes Dr. Srivastava who is already considering her next paper to keep the groove upbeat.
Being in the academic field for two decades and having worked for a number of management institutes, Dr. Srivastava firmly believes that “if one is passionate about research, Jaipuria is a great place to work. The friendly atmosphere is very encouraging for daily work and acts as a catalyst in quest for knowledge. Jaipuria Institute of Management gives an opportunity for collaborative research not only in India but across the globe. For example, I have published papers in collaboration with faculty from the United States, Egypt and the likes.”
Charles Darwin’s theory of “Survival of the Fittest” applies for B-School faculty. One has to focus on original work for earning credibility. A novel concept or a work attracts much more attention than a repetitive one.