Madyantika Mehra, alum Batch 2014 – 16 of Jaipuria Institute of Management, Indore strongly believes that her B School gave her the identity she was looking for. It has given her the wings to soar high in the corporate world and she is making the most of the platform. She was placed with Retails giant Pantaloons and a year on, she is handling the SPO profile for the company. She gets talking about her journey and preparedness for career challenges at the recently held alumni meet of the B School.
The bumpy ride at the onset
Madyantika admits that things weren’t easy when she set foot on the sprawling Jaipuria Institute of Management, Indore campus. She feared getting lost but found her own thanks to the support of her faculty members. “There were many hiccups along the way but my faculty team and mentors held my hand through the rough ride. I was also lucky to have friends who backed me every step of the way. I think because of that I have become more confident. I believe Jaipuria Institute of Management, Indore has given me the identity I needed to get a firm footing in the corporate world,” she says looking back.
Turning the tide in her favor
During her two years’ program, Madyantika was prepared for different corporate roles. Interestingly she did her summer internship with More, another big name in Retail business. That helped her bag her placement in her area of interest with a brand like Pantaloons. “There were placement sessions with mentors that offered me deep insight into the world of retail. Yet it is difficult to tell if it’s going to be a smooth sailing. However my B School has definitely given me the wings to reach the heights I want to,” she says thoughtfully.
Feeling anchored with her B School
In spite of her busy schedule Madyantika makes it a point to keep in touch with her batch mates and faculty members. Her mentors help her out when she has doubts till date. “I also try and stay connected with company activities since we keep asking for interns. I am still involved with the campus company Spark that offers placement assistance. I think having that feeling of gratitude is important no matter how high you fly. There are no short cuts to success and the real foundation for it was built at Jaipuria Institute of Management, Indore. I am thankful for that,” she ends on a humble note.