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What it took for Konica Arora of Jaipuria Institute of Management, Lucknow to excel at her summer internship with WNS Global Services, Gurgaon?

What it took for Konica Arora of Jaipuria Institute of Management, Lucknow to excel at her summer internship with WNS Global Services, Gurgaon?

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It isn’t everyday you come across Management graduates withdrawing Rs. 60,000 as their summer internship stipend. Plus, just how many students get the opportunity to get into the thick of things and work directly with senior officials right from day one at the internship? Well, Jaipuria Institute of Management, Lucknow’s Konica Arora of PGDM Class 2018 got some stories to tell!

What did Jaipuria Institute of Management do differently to help you hit the ground running from day one, at your internship?

“We are always doing-something productive at the B-school. There’s no dull moment if you are a Jaipurian,” says Konica about the life at Jaipuria Institute of Management, Lucknow. The School nourishes a competitive and corporate atmosphere on campus while instilling qualities of team spirit and leadership through various activities. “I organized various events at the institute that taught me time management, blending task orientation with people orientation and a lot more. By increasing my skills and competencies Jaipuria Institute of Management, Lucknow has added value to my personality,” Konica explains.

It isn’t a child’s play to survive the corporate rigmarole. How did Konica survive successfully at WNS Global Services, Gurgaon?

image002It is one thing to survive in the professional world and another thing to do it with Success. Konica was well prepared for her internship. Her project on “Commercial Credit Appraisal” was with the BFS vertical of the organization. It involved preparing annual reviews for SME customers to give them ratings considered by banks when assessing risk factor. “Every day was a new learning experience, interacting with new professionals and handling new tasks. I learned to adapt myself to the corporate culture and tried to become one of the professionals with the organization and not only an intern,” she says.

How did Konica turn the challenges of her internship to her advantage?

Well, the story is simple! During her internship Konica had to write four reports a day, communicate with various clients, discuss the reports, sit for her reviews, analyse her own performances, so on and so forth. According to her the biggest challenge was keeping up with the target even during the peak season. And although it was a team target, each member had to pull their weight and contribute. “In order to do that, I reduced my breaks, worked overtime, and managed my time better. To survive the internship you need to have the zeal to learn, a lot of patience and interpersonal skills. I think I have developed all these aspects and look forward to future foray into the professional world. Oh, amidst all of this, I did not forget to have fun either!” she ends enthusiastically.


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