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Leela Swarup Mullapudi, Jaipuria Institute of Management, Noida wouldn't trade his internship with Accenture for comfort

Leela Swarup Mullapudi, Jaipuria Institute of Management, Noida wouldn't trade his internship with Accenture for comfort

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leela1Students of Jaipuria Institute of Management are no strangers to practical exposure. They study in an environment where they closely interact with corporate professionals and are put through activities that help them hit the ground running from day one at the B-school. Leela Swarup Mullapudi, student of PGDM Class 2018 remarks- “I felt confident going into the internship and had the right mindset for it. I performed to the best of my abilities and have come away with many crucial learning experiences for my future career.” Here’s Jaipuria Institute of Management, Noida’s Leela’s story.

What was Leela’s Summer Internship all about?

Leela’s summer internship project focused on “Reduction of Cost at Accenture” and process improvements in operations of the facility. During the internship he was based in their office in Gurgaon and learned a lot from interacting with experienced professionals. “Initially it wasn’t easy to get into a groove with the team. But as I got familiar with professionals and worked in different departments, things got a lot easier. You have to work hard but smart when you are in a professional environment and communicate effectively; it will take you far,” he claims.

There is no one specific job role for an intern. You have to bounce with multiple things and do them well.

leela2Leela asserts that to work with a renowned name like Accenture, you have to be flexible and versatile when it comes to responsibilities of the role. From ensuring sound progress of scheduled activities to collecting daily snags for maintenance, he had to handle different tasks every day during his internship. “I was also managing the inventory and client visits. I was inspecting quality of operations and in charge of organizing training programs for third parties. I was thrilled to have such dynamic professional experience at this stage in my life,” he enthuses.

Getting the most out of the internship

Of course, Leela had to face challenges during his internship but he looked at them as learning opportunities. According to his, working with the transportation department was a big challenge but he got over it, thanks to the support from his industry mentor. Today, in spite of the struggles, he wouldn’t trade the internship experience for comfort because it has molded his. “Internships are vital for management students because they make you familiar with the corporate environment. You understand different processes in an organization. I also improved my communication and networking skills, which I will rely on in the future,” he adds.


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