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An internship is so much more than the stipend. A tete-a-tete with Smriti Sharma of PGDM Class 2018 of Jaipuria Institute of Management, Noida

An internship is so much more than the stipend. A tete-a-tete with Smriti Sharma of PGDM Class 2018 of Jaipuria Institute of Management, Noida

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Opple Lighting is an interesting company to work with. Being a comparatively new global player, the company’s innovative approach to lighting makes it an extremely unique player in the market and Smriti’s tryst with Opple Lighting happened this summer, 2017. She worked with the company as an intern and bore the sun, rain, heat and wind to make things work out her way.
“It wasn’t easy but my colleagues and mentors at Opple made it a phenomenal experience for me. I learnt amazing things and the challenges started feeling like cakewalk,” mentions a satisfied Smriti of Jaipuria Institute of Management, Noida.

On-field training opportunities are “invaluable” and why does Smriti believe so?

smriti1Smriti was beating the blues of peak summer while at Opple. She was visiting retailers and sellers to understand the edge of Opple Lighting over its competitors. The Delhi sun of May or June has never been kind to anyone and amidst all the dust and heat; Smriti was pulling a 9am to 7pm schedule, everyday. Not to forget, the anemometer was reading 40 degrees Celsius.
What is she saying about it all? “Through varied tasks I got a firsthand experience of figuring out the market, competitor analysis and interacting with retailers. I also had to make sales pitches to make people aware of our products. The end goal was to increase sales. I just couldn’t get that kind of experience in a classroom,” she says matter-of-factly.

Paid or unpaid, unless your internship is introducing you to a world you haven’t seen already, it isn’t doing you any good. Did Smriti’s do enough good to her?

While Smriti might not have received a stipend for her internship, she knows that she has been enriched by the experience. “I never thought I could handle so many people at a go. I was speaking to consumers, moody and difficult retailers, boosting sell of the company, studying customer psychology, pitching business, and I tell you, my internship experience could not have been better than this!” admits an excited Smriti who is now back to her Jaipuria classroom with fresh energy and insights.

“Importance of taking certain initiatives yourself. I took mine and am glad I did!” How?

smriti2Smriti is of the opinion that B Schools can only play their part in preparing you for internships; beyond that you need to take the initiative to gain optimally from the experience. Jaipuria Institute of Management, Noida had already done everything possible to bring industry exposure to the campus through guest lectures, seminars, workshops and facilitate the internship. It was up to her to get the most out of the internship experience she had. “To do well in your internship you need to have the right attitude to learn. You have to be humble and cheerful to work in a stress free environment. If you can manage that, the internship can be a big step towards successful professional career for you,” she says.


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