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Becoming the Territory Manager at FedEx Express – Jadumoni Das, PGDM 2015, Jaipuria Noida

Becoming the Territory Manager at FedEx Express – Jadumoni Das, PGDM 2015, Jaipuria Noida

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“People. Service. Profit. We call that PSP in FedX and I think I sort of got that right,” says Jadumoni Das pulling away from the gravitas of the question pointed at him. He was in a light-hearted mood and why won’t he! He had just wrapped a long tedious day at work when we arrived at his office with a bunch of questions to ask.
Let us begin by introducing the man. Jadumoni’s native place is in Assam but he was only 18 when he left the beautiful land of eri and muga. He had BBA in mind and WBUT found his application perfect. 3 years in Kolkata, amidst BBA curriculum, internships, assignments and grades, Jadumoni did not forget the bigger picture. He wanted to do his MBA from a B-school that would put him in the map of big things! And, he made it just in time to Jaipuria Institute of Management, Noida campus. It was 2013. Yet a lot was left to achieve. To begin with: a top-of-the-line industry placement.
“2 years of PGDM taught me a lot of things but the most important of what I learnt was- to not let go of opportunities,” suggests Jadumoni who started it at the executive level in FedEx and is now the Territory Manager at FedEx Express. He further adds, “just throwing my two penny here- what might often look very trivial and insignificant as an opportunity to you can just be the table turner of your life. The cultural fests, the conclaves, the internships, the golgappa stall at the startup fest, all of it are great deal important. You should and you must be an active participant in everything. These 730 days of your life that you will spend in Jaipuria will decide a lot for you and I vouch from my experience- there are opportunities awaiting you at every door you knock in this b-school.”
Jadumoni outshone other candidates who had sat for the FedEx interview in the year 2015. He had confidence to fall back on but his major enabler was his communication skills. “I carefully chose my specialization and I had picked Marketing & Operations simply because I wanted to settle in a company like FedEx. I honed my theoretical knowledge and complimented it with an internship with ITC” explains the alumnus. ITC was just launching its popular deodorant line- Engage and in the PGDM summer break, Jadumoni took off to Dehradun.
At ITC, he was assigned the task of identifying the loopholes in the distribution channel of the Dehradun region. He also had to figure out the problem set of retailers, maintain the daily sales report (DSR). He covered more then 300 new retailers in Dehradun region within a span of 20 days. “A spirit we are trained to nurture from the beginning at Jaipuria,” adds Jadumoni. At his interview with FedEx, this sheer passion and commitment to work shone out loud! The logistics company immediately hired him.
As a goodbye question, we asked this jocund man- what does he miss the most about Jaipuria life? “My friend Jagpreet Singh and the cricket ground which was very close to the girls’ hostel,” remarks Jadumoni while waving at us.

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