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Ikroop Kaur Kalra’s PGDM specialization is Marketing and she is now the new Asst. Store Manager to one of India’s celebrated retail fashion brands

Ikroop Kaur Kalra’s PGDM specialization is Marketing and she is now the new Asst. Store Manager to one of India’s celebrated retail fashion brands

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There were 20 students from Jaipuria Institute of Management, Indore campus who sat for the Aditya Birla Fashion & Retail’s interview process. “Each one of us were focused and absolutely determined, with everything we needed to outshine in the selection, however, I was sure I wouldn’t be beaten at any cost,” remarks Ikroop who is going to get on-board with India’s leading fashion retail house as a Assistant Store Manager to begin with.
Ikroop was tested throughout the selection. With one question coming after the other from across the interviewer’s side, Ikroop knew she had to keep calm. However, the trickiest was- “why don’t you join your father’s already established business and make more in it?” And, she had her answers up her sleeve. The girl from Bhopal wishes she had just dealt one question a bit better and that was- “what are few things you would want to do to motivate your stuff?” But, what matters is- it all ended well.
Being an Assistant Store Manager, Ikroop would need to look after achievement of sales target, store operations management, focus on the requirements of the customers, ensure customer service quality, and everyone at store. As she had opted for Marketing as one of her specializations, she feels completely at home with her new roles and responsibilities. “At Jaipuria, Indore we are trained in a very immersive ecosystem and curriculum. I have been imparted with both theoretical and practice oriented concepts under Retail Marketing. Field visit to Big Bazaar and other departmental stores were organized to impart us with clarity on- how stores are managed. We were taught how various concepts of Visual Merchandising work, retail shrinkage, retail formats and layouts, ruture retail trends like Bit coins, artificial intelligence, augmented reality, etc.,” explains Ikroop while talking about her strength areas and how she will add value to her organization with a sound PGDM education in her kitty. Adding to all of it, her summer internship with HDFC bank during her first year at Jaipuria, Indore had her taste the corporate world where she could open 8 savings account in 45 days. Experiences like that are invaluable indeed!
Ikroop was at Jaipuria Institute of Management, Noida campus when the news of her final selection arrived. “I was overwhelmed with phone calls from my friends and colleagues and it was after 15 or 20 minutes that I could finally call my parents about the offer from Aditya Birla Retail and that was when I felt complete,” she says.
This dynamic, young and ambitious Jaipurian is all set to begin her corporate sojourn from 4th February, 2019 and she wishes her teachers to remember her as a honest, disciplined person with a good presence of mind.

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