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How Media Relation Club at Jaipuria helped Krati Saxena to excel professionally.

How Media Relation Club at Jaipuria helped Krati Saxena to excel professionally.

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When Krati Saxena enrolled with Jaipuria Institute of Management, Jaipur her goal was to make the most of the learning opportunities offered to her. That brought her to Media Relations and IT Committee, which she heads today. The association not only made her confident and boosted her personality but also earned her the nickname “MRC”. “I have always been known for my work. I think it’s my hard work that makes me unique,” she says strongly. She will have plenty of opportunities to display that in the professional sphere as she has been placed with AU Small Finance Bank. We talk to her about the placement, Media Relations Club on the campus and the road ahead for her.
The hardworking PGDM Batch 2018 – 20’s student Krati is perseverant. It was reflected in the fact that she was 13th in line for her final interview process with AU Small Finance Bank. But she kept her calm and turned it into lucky no. 13 for her by bagging the placement that has won her a handsome to begin with. Reliving the day Krati says, “If you want to land a sales job, you will have to ace the sales interview. They asked me why I was suited for the position since I had chosen Finance as one of my specializations and also interned in the sector. I clearly stated how my dual specialization will be an asset for the job and that must have swung things in my favor.”
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That internship Krati speaks of was with HDB Financial Services Ltd where her project was Credit Analysis of a loan. Of course, highly relevant for AU’s job role on offer! From ascertaining thecreditworthiness of customers to verifying the documents required, it helped her understand the entire loan process. She believes that knowledge of financial products will help her in her future role. “My profile will require me to maintain good relationships with all customers. My work with MRC has helped me understand a lot about promotions while managing deadlines. Another important aspect of working in MRC is teamwork, which is a quality that I will bring to my professional role,” she says excitedly.
Clearly, her association with MRC is something that Krati truly cherishes. She also takes pride in the fact that she has managed her academics and MRC responsibilities with gusto. According to her, it has been a huge learning process, which has helped her grow as an individual. “As the committee head, I have always done the work in an efficient manner and handled the things so well. That was no less than any achievement. It goes with one of the philosophies of learning at Jaipuria Institute of Management, Jaipur. It encourages you to take the initiative, which is a quality that is much appreciated by the corporate world,” she leaves us with a strong tip to make your mark.

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