Jaipuria Institute of Management Noida, recognizing the need to develop an international perspective in today’s global workplace, has now formally linked with six international universities.Finnish Academy of Higher Education; Kainan University, Taiwan; Naresuan University, Phitsanulok, Thailand; University of Illinois, Urbana -Champaign, U.S.A.; University of Indianapolis, U.S.A. and Eastern Mennonite University, U.S.A. have all linked up with Jaipuria Institute of Management, agreeing to co-operate in a mutual exchange of students, staff and research.The goal of these partnerships is to foster the advancement in teaching, research, cultural understanding, as well as the international reputation of institutions through the exchange of students, faculty and academic information, materials, conducting joint research, conferences and training.
Under these signed memorandums of understanding, the universities agree to exchange academic materials such as books, academic journals, studies and other research information generated by either party as the result of joint efforts under the agreement.They will collaborate in research in areas of mutual interest, exchange faculty members, participate in student exchanges, look at sponsoring collaborative seminars, conferences, workshops and other academic meetings on matters of mutual interest and agree all publications, research grants or other joint projects resulting from collaboration between the institutions shall recognize the efforts of both institutions.In one of the latest international link-ups, Eastern Mennonite University of Harrisonburg, Virginia, expressed great enthusiasm for the program, citing the visit of Dr. Poonam Sharma to their campus and the earlier visit of Dr. Anthony Smith to Jaipuria Institute of Management.
The university said it is looking forward to cross-cultural exchanges ranging from two weeks to an entire semester; student internships with host companies for three weeks or longer and participating in international business conferences.And they noted “Our faculty would also seriously consider the possibility for Dr. Sharma to teach a marketing course for our undergraduate business department in an adjunct faculty role for one semester.”The more exposure students and faculty get to the world beyond the borders of India, the better they will be able to cope in global market place.
“The Indian economy is growing by leaps and bounds,” says Jaipuria Institute of Management director Dr. Anup K. Singh. “It is poised to enter the league of top four economies of the world in the next two decades. It can be possible only when quality leaders are available to the business organisations. The future managers have to be conscious of the global standards of products/services, rising expectations of customers and different stakeholders’ hopes. For the Indian organisations to become world class, it is imperative that the Indian managers become world class. It is indeed a tall order but it is very much achievable.”