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Punarsangam: Jaipuria Institute Of Management’s First Ever Alumni Meet

Punarsangam: Jaipuria Institute Of Management’s First Ever Alumni Meet

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Excitement fills the air surrounding Jaipuria Institute of Management. For the first time since its inception, Jaipuria Institute of Management is holding Punarsangam – meeting of the past – for their alumni from all their institutes in Noida, Jaipur, Lucknow and Indore. This celebration of past meetings, memories and learnings will be held on 10 December, 2011 at the Noida campus.
The moment the Punarsangam message was out, confirmations poured in. Over 120 enthusiastic managers and entrepreneurs – all successful alumni have already confirmed participation.
Their busy work schedules are rewarding, no doubt. But meeting up with batch mates and friends on a campus where they shared precious moments is special. It is a feeling that cannot be exchanged for anything.
The large scale celebrations at Jaipuria Institute of Management’s Punarsangam are planned with deep attention to detail and a lot of caring concentration.
Starting off with the registration between 5 – 6 pm, Punarsangam will flow into interactions. At 7.30 pm the cultural event will begin.
Entertainment includes a live band called Lafz-e-Delhi, a skit by the Club of Jaipuria, Noida, and a very special performance by Sneha and Bytris, both degree holders in classical dancing and students of Jaipuria Institute of Management. The entertainment will precede dinner at 9 pm.
Punarsangam does not end with the scrumptious dinner. It is the beginning of new relationships and networks that will be created on Jaipuria Institute of Management’s Noida campus. “It will be exciting to meet up with my classmates after all these years. Time really flies. When we meet at Jaipuria Institute of Management, our alma mater, the meeting will be doubly sweet. The catching up that much more interesting,” says an alumnus who promises to be there.

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