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Bank of India internship proves enlightening for Jaipuria Lucknow’s Bhoomika Agrawal.

Bank of India internship proves enlightening for Jaipuria Lucknow’s Bhoomika Agrawal.

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A seven-week summer internship with Bank of India proved to be an educational experience for Jaipuria Institute of Management, Lucknow student Bhoomika Agrawal.
“I learned how practical implementation is entirely different from the theoretical fundamentals,” she said. “It made me realize the importance of meeting targets on time and proving your credibility in the corporate world. The whole staff and officers at Bank Of India were very helpful and co-operative.”
During her internship, she worked on a project involving the comparison of products and services in the banking industry and Bank of India’s customer satisfaction.
She was also actively involved in deposit mobilisation campaigns organised by the Bank of India in most of its branches in Lucknow. As she says,  “I opened about 100 accounts per day on average, with two other marketing officers.”
The internship also instilled a new respect for the banking industry in Bhoomika.
“The work culture is very good and the conducive atmosphere made me feel at peace while working. It has instilled in me a strong desire to join a bank or for that matter,  any reputed firm with a good work culture.”
In particular, she cited Jaipuria’s “highly functional and active placement cell” which she said helps students to achieve their dream jobs.
“Overall,” said Bhoomika, “the placement process is very fair and gives equal opportunity to every student to attain his or her ultimate objective. The preparation process sets up every student to excel in the corporate world by enhancing our communication skills, strengthening our forte and overcoming our weaknesses. Individual attention is given to every student and everyone’s needs are catered to.”
An all-round student, she excels both academically and in athletics. Her hard work had finally paid of when she was awarded a scholarship of Rs. 75,000/- by Jaipuria Institute of Management, Lucknow for securing 98.9 per cent in MAT 2011. Her string of achievements continues till date. She qualified in the GATE entrance exam with 89.2 per cent; was a Merit Holder for securing second position in B. Tech. Food Technology; got fifth position on National Science Day (2010) for her poster presentation. In the field of sports she was placed ninth in the 3.5 km cross- country race (University Athletics Meet, 2009). Bhoomika has bee actively involved in organising the Interdependence, Integration and Co-creation conference.
She also appreciates all the support she got from Jaipuria Institute of Management, Lucknow. “The best thing about Jaipuria is its ever-helpful and highly-qualified faculty members,” she said. “I enjoy being in Jaipuria because of the immense support I receive from my friends and peers.”
She continued in the same vein,  “Because of Jaipuria, I have enhanced my analytical, technical and communication abilities and since the institute has a good brand image and reputation, I hope to receive a good job in the future.”
Life at the Jaipuria Lucknow campus is enlivening, said Bhoomika, “all filled with fun, life, events and lots of study as well. Overall, it feels good to be a part of this college.”

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