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Jaipuria’s YEMP – Chisel teams carve out some glowing reports.

Jaipuria’s YEMP – Chisel teams carve out some glowing reports.

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Jaipuria Institute of Management students participating in the Young Enterprise Mentorship Program (YEMP – Chisel) have carved out an excellent name for themselves among employers.
Under the YEMP – Chisel program, students interact directly with industry, working on live projects for about 15 days per trimester along with peer, industry and faculty mentors.
This direct hands-on experience in industry allows students to put their classroom learning to the test with practical experience, helping turn them into management professionals.
Four businesses which recently took on Jaipuria students under the YEMP – Chisel program had nothing but good to say about the experience.
Sayaji Hotels Limited, which operates a restaurant called Kebabsville, asked students to tackle the problem it faced with customer wait times.
Kebabsville has a seating capacity of around 200, but during weekends the traffic increases greatly and because seating can’t be increased due to space constraints, the average waiting period for customers grows.
The Jaipuria students researched possible solutions at all relative levels from concierges to cooks to servers and studied the entire process of booking and customer reception.
The team emerged with some good solutions, easy to implement and which could help not only in reducing the average wait time but also making the waiting experiences of customers more enjoyable.
Purple Focus Limited, a renowned advertising, marketing and communication agency in Indore, which is branching out with offices in Delhi and Mumbai, gave students the task of analyzing employee engagement and the team came up with an in-depth study with different tools and games to identify the engagement level. The management found the results useful and believe they will take the organization to the next level and help the organization hit new heights in the media world.
At Design Cluster Limited, which provides software solutions, consultancy, training and support in the field of CAD, CAM, CAE, green design, geometric information systems and animation, the concern was to design their service book to incorporate a uniform human resources policy structure.
The Jaipuria team did their homework well and designed an entire service book, which could be used as a reference for building the team at Design Cluster. They also helped outline job descriptions according to need and included conducting telephone interviews.
Finally, at Green Healthcare Disposals, which makes sterile, disposable apparel for different healthcare institutions, the problem was to create more awareness of the product in what is truly a niche market.
The Jaipuria students designed a website for the organization and also designed a brochure for their products, doing market research to find out the position of Green Health Care products compared to competitors, to not only to capture the market in Indore but other cities too. The company is looking forward to the team assisting in the next level of promotional plans.

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