As her name suggest, Eureka Dandapath is a Bengali by origin, although by place of birth and upbringing, she is through-and-through Rajasthani. Eureka, who grew up in Jodhpur, shifted to Jaipur for her B.Tech in IT.
“I did not really want to pursue a career in coding. The options are very limited and sooner or later, one has to acquire a Management degree to climb up the corporate ladder. Since all my near and dear ones shared my point of view, I decided to go for an MBA after my Engineering. I wanted to specialise in Marketing and therefore, Jaipuria Institute of Management, Noida was my first choice. “
Eureka is the live-wire of her course. Even as a 1st year student, she has made her presence felt in the Marketing Club, the IT Club and the Dramatics Club at Jaipuria Institute of Management, Noida.
“In the last six months, I have taken part in several competitions and was also a part of three stage-plays. I was also part of a very interesting initiative on Friendship Day, which we decided to make a lot more special than just the usual handing out of friendship bands. A few of us close friends got together and organised a small charity event on Friendship Day at Jaipuria Noida. We sold cakes and chocolates, and whatever profit we made was distributed in the form of small gifts to orphan kids. It was a good learning experience for me because the profit from this venture was quite good.”
In fact Eureka, along with two of her friends, also won the keenly contested ‘Ad Mad Show’ at Jaipuria Noida. This intra-institute competition at Jaipuria, Noida is a real humdinger of an affair, where students are encouraged to come up with the most innovative and bizarre advertising campaigns for ear-marked products.
This win certainly seems like a good omen for Eureka’s future plans. “I would like to see myself as a Marketing Manager in a reputed organisation two years from now. I’m absolutely positive that with the kind of faculty pool that is available to us at the Jaipuria Institute of Management, this dream will turn into a reality for me. It’s not just their immense subject knowledge or industry-immersed teaching methods; what concerns them more is that everybody in the classroom is on the same page. They are very helpful and whenever needed, they are there to guide us.”
Eureka is now looking forward to live projects, industrial exposure and a strong SIP. She believes that this will help her supplement her classroom teaching with on-ground application, and will create the necessary grounds for a fruitful placement. She is quite impressed with the presence of major corporate houses during the ongoing placement season for her seniors at Jaipuria Institute of Management, Noida.