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Jaipuria Noida Professor Drives Student Satisfaction Survey Initiative.

Jaipuria Noida Professor Drives Student Satisfaction Survey Initiative.

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Dr. Shalini Shrivasta, associate professor of OB & HR at Jaipuria Noida, is committed to ensuring that the institute offers its students the best experience possible. Working in conjunction with the Director General, Dr. J.D. Singh, Dr. Shalini has initiated a student satisfaction survey that aims to give voice to the students in all aspects of campus life.In this way, students are allowed to comment on areas that they perceive as problematic, giving the institute the opportunity to address those issues.
Dr. Shalini’s love of research has made her a natural fit for this initiative. Along with her devotion to her profession, Dr. Shalini’s making an immediate impact at Jaipuria Noida that will be felt for many years to come.

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