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An entrepreneur’s story on how his love for Marketing developed

An entrepreneur’s story on how his love for Marketing developed

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When Manish Jain was graduating as a PGDM student in the year 1999 from Jaipuria Institute of Management, Lucknow, little did he know where his life would take him a decade from there. With an intense passion for Marketing, Manish started his career with his eyes on becoming an entrepreneur. Eventually things started getting clearer in front of him. Today, Manish runs an entire export brand that sends engineering instruments across the globe- including Middle East, Africa and a lot of East Asian countries.

“For me, it all started from Jaipuria’s classroom. I remember when Prof. Kavita Pathak would deliver the Marketing classes. There used to be absolute silence- with complete attendance,” says Manish while explaining from where his quest for Marketing as a subject began. Being at the helm of affairs of his export unit, Manish didn’t have a day initially when he didn’t have to get into the essentials of Marketing and reach-out. “It is then that I started realizing, just how important the theories were,” says Manish.

With almost 20 years now that he graduated from the school, he thinks “Jaipuria has come a long, really long way. However, we had begun big anyway. In the 90s itself students were doing industry rounds to companies such as- Escorts, JCB and Maruti. We would meet industry stalwarts, engage with global faculty, attend seminars and conferences of global repute- things were ablaze!” Needless to say, experiential learning stands in the centre of the Jaipuria Institute of Management’s PGDM curriculum- to prepare students for an international stage.

Manish being an employee and an employer stands on the vantage point of giving insights to placement trends in the country. According to him, “you have to grow faster than your age.” Manish is extremely hopeful about the entire stress of “Make in India” in the country and thinks, there’s no dearth of opportunities for newbies in the field. “If you keep your learning quotient high, you are bound to go places. You’ve to expose yourself to the practicalities of the market at a faster pace than an ordinary PGDM graduate- especially because you have the privilege and the support of Jaipuria Institute of Management behind you,” concludes Manish with his suggestion.

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