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What matters most during the placement process is your attitude. At Jaipuria institute of management Jaipur, it is this attitude that is cultivated.

What matters most during the placement process is your attitude. At Jaipuria institute of management Jaipur, it is this attitude that is cultivated.

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Anuj Singh, who specialised in Marketing as a part of the 2010-12 batch of Jaipuria Institute of Management Jaipur, was placed on-campus with the Indian Bank as Assistant Manager Marketing. He feels that sustained effort by the faculty and discussions and debates with batch mates from varied backgrounds at Jaipuria Jaipur is what helped him get through.
“The placement process has three major parts – written tests, group discussions and panel interview or personal interview. At the Jaipuria Institute of Management Jaipur, we were put through a series ofindividual activity programme, numerous panel and one-on-one interviews and group activities like group discussions and group performances, to ensure that we made it. The faculty at Jaipuria Institute of Management Jaipur is fantastic! Not only do they help you work on your weaknesses, but guide youon how to use your individual strengths and skills to the best advantage.”
Anuj is of the opinion that while the placement system at Jaipuria Jaipur takes care to prepare one mentally for the interviews, ‘honesty is the best policy’ would be the best approach when being interviewed. He advises his juniors at Jaipuria Institute of Management Jaipur to be especially careful about not speaking unnecessarily during the group discussion.
“Speak for impact in the GDs,” is Anuj’s message to the current students at Jaipuria Jaipur. “A lot of people simply try to talk as much as they can during GDs, without making much impact; you only stand to lose by doing that. Go in with a positive mind-set. If there’s one thing that matters the most during the placement process, it’s your attitude. At Jaipuria Institute of Management Jaipur, more than anything else, it is this attitude that is cultivated.”
Anuj is confident that this winning attitude developed at Jaipuria Jaipur, will help him achieve even greater heights in the corporate world.

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