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Sales- and why is it the domain that guarantees speedy climb to successful career growth?

Sales- and why is it the domain that guarantees speedy climb to successful career growth?

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A conversation with Alumnus Hemant Madhwani, of Class 2013 of Jaipuria Institute of Management, Noida.
Hemant, an alumnus of 2013, a voracious sales guy with a strong business acumen, recalls his days at BookMyShow. A man with unstoppable ideas- Hemant, just walked up to Mr. Ashish Hmerajani, the CEO and founder of BookMyShow and proposed on taking over Townscript- an organization that was founded in 2014 by Sachin Sharma and Sanchit Malikto, and provides ticketing and planning services for workshops, conferences, exhibitions and adventure events.
Mr. Ashish, the CEO of BookMyShow is really an inspirational man. He does not dismiss any idea coming from his team! He is always open to critical feedback and healthy propositions. He listened to what I have to say and asked for a complete study. And within 2 months newspapers and media houses had news flashing all over- BookMyShow has picked up 75% stakes in Townscript,” says Hemant.
After working for 9 years at BookMyShow as Business Development Head, thereafter, as Head Business Development of Townscript and now as Assistant General Manager – Live Entertainment – South India. We had the opportunity to converse with him about his career moves, his game plans, and suggestions for the latest graduates who are looking forward to enter the Sales industry in the quest for success.
“First and foremost, I strongly believe in the Sales domain. I am a Sales guy from heart and I would say, no other domain allows you success at the pace Sales does. You cannot expect the company to give you growth unless you are ready to bring money to your organization through your work. And that is precisely why we Sales people start earning in larger digits from quite early in our careers,” remarks Hemant. According to him, Sales is a profile that brings out the best in you. From Communication skills to your people skills, from foresight to logical thinking, Sales require a man to be in his best- every single day and Hemant rates Sales a Ten on a Ten as a domain simply because of the intellectual stimulation and satisfaction it brings on the table.
He still remembers his first-day encounter with one of his colleagues in Jaipuria Institute of Management. “He was the first person I encountered at Jaipuria and we started talking. He told me at the very beginning that he does not wish to work at Sales- no matter what! And I told him that very day, you got some tough time ahead!” He graduated to join a good Sales profile even after he repeatedly went on rejecting Sales offers in the beginning. Fortunately, “my point stayed,” says Hemant who had himself come to the Jaipuria classroom with 4 years work-experience.
Hemant is a strong advocate of Communication skills. He thinks, “These days, we often mistake Communication skills to be synonymous to speaking English fluently. No! Communication can be done in any language and often times, it is also your body language that communicates on your behalf. I personally know a lot of Directors and CEOs who prefer speaking in their native language. As long as you are getting your thoughts communicated with confidence, you are an effective communicator.” And it’s his communication skills and love for Sales that Hemant thinks has gotten him where he is today.

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