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16th Annual Convocation Jaipuria Institute of Management, Jaipur

About the Event

Jaipuria Institute of Management, Jaipur Campus held its 16th Annual Convocation for its PGDM in Management Program, 4th Annual Convocation for its PGDM in Service Management, and 1st Convocation for Fellow Programme in Management.

Sushil Kumar Agarwal, Former MD and Founder of Aavas Financiers Ltd., Chief Guest on this occasion congratulated the graduating batch of 185 students and wished them great success in their corporate careers. He motivated the students and said that continuous learning through life is the key to success. He also advised the students to focus on long-term goals and be futuristic.

Sharad Jaipuria, Chairman, Jaipuria Group of Institutions also congratulated all the students on their completion of post-graduation through the efforts and blessings of their faculty members, parents, family, and friends. He also appreciated the hard work and dedication of the faculty members in grooming the students to be corporate-ready. He also advised students to remain connected with each other and the institution for the greater good.

Dr. Prabhat Pankaj, Director presented the annual progress report for the year 2022–23. He also congratulated the graduating batch on their performance in breaking multiple records in terms of highest and average placement packages, prestigious profile, international placements as well as multiple offers. He shared that you should never lose an opportunity to give back to society and highlighted how the institute has contributed through its social responsibility programmes. Parallelly, the institute has also raised its intellectual capital in terms of research publications and its first Fellow Programme in Management scholar, Vinay Khandelwal graduating this year. He further said that the institute and its faculty have gone well beyond classroom learning to instigate learning among students through many initiatives such as leadership lab cases, book reading sessions, LinkedIn learning, industry immersion programmes, and many more.

In the convocation ceremony, Dr. Samar Sarabhai, Dean – Academics also announced awards for the meritorious students for their academic performance. In the PGDM General batch, Devang Satraval was awarded Chairman’s Gold Medal, Palak Jhawar was awarded the Vice- Chairman’s Silver Medal, and the Director’s Bronze Medal was awarded to Ridhika Tiwari. In the PGDM Service Management batch, Palak Jain was awarded Chairman’s Gold Medal, Dilip Kumawat was awarded the Vice- Chairman’s Silver Medal, and the Director’s Bronze Medal was awarded to Sawan Singh. Meritorious students based upon program specializations were also awarded on this occasion. Under Faculty and staff awards, Dr. Saumyaranjan Sahoo was awarded the Best Faculty Award for teaching and research excellence, while Dr. Srikant Gupta was awarded Best Faculty Award for positive impact. Gourav Singh was awarded Best Staff Award. Among other recognitions, Kamna Sharma and Kush Gurbani were awarded the Best Alumni Award – Chairman’s Award of Recognition 2023 for their acclaimed achievements and their successful career.

PGDM Program Toppers – Batch 2021-23
Medals – PGDM Name of Student
Chairman’s Gold MedalDevang Satraval
Vice-Chairman’s Silver MedalPalak Jhawar
Director’s Bronze MedalRidhika Tiwari

PGDM Program Specialization Toppers – Batch 2021-23

Area of SpecializationName of Student
Marketing ManagementPalak Jhawar
Finance & AccountingDevang Satraval
Human Resource ManagementPalak Jhawar
Operations ManagementVartika
Aniket Shukla
Business AnalyticsPrakhar Adwani

PGDM -SM Program Toppers – Batch 2021-23

MedalsName of Student
Chairman’s Gold MedalPalak Jain
Vice-Chairman’s Silver MedalDilip Kumawat
Director’s Bronze MedalSawan Singh

PGDM – SM Program Specialization Toppers – Batch 2021-23

Area of SpecializationName of Student
Service Management ( Banking and Financial Services )Palak Jain
Service Management (Retail )Sawan Singh

Shreevats Jaipuria, Vice Chairman, Jaipuria Institute of Management, proposed the vote of thanks on this auspicious occasion. He thanked the chief guest for sharing his life experience with the graduates. He also expressed his gratitude towards all the stakeholders of the institute. Overall, the event saw an enthusiastic group of 185 students being conferred the AICTE-approved PGDM degree and one scholar being awarded a Fellow in Management. Students expressed their happiness with the guidance and support extended by the institute for being successfully placed in prestigious organizations. The convocation ceremony was also well attended by the families of the graduating students.

Pictures and Videos: Dhruv MRC Team 2021-23

Content: MRC Team 2021-23

Social Media Coverage: MRC Team 2021-23

Press Report: Devangi MRC Team 2021-23

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Press Release

Event registration is closed

Event Date

May 20, 2023
14:00 - 20:00


Jaipuria Institute of Management, Jaipur
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