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Dr. Amit Shrivastava


Location: Jaipuria Indore


Managerial Accounting and Venture Capital

Managerial Accounting, Financial Reporting & Analysis, Management Control Systems, Working Capital Management, Entrepreneurial Finance & Venture Capital

Dr. Shrivastava is a highly regarded Professor specializing in the Accounting & Finance area at Jaipuria Institute of Management Indore, one of the premier management colleges in Indore, Madhya Pradesh. With over two decades of experience in academia, Dr. Shrivastava brings a wealth of knowledge and expertise to his role. Before joining the Jaipuria Institute of Management, Dr. Shrivastava served as an Associate Professor in accounting & finance at the Adani Institute of Infrastructure Management (2012-2021). In addition to teaching postgraduate programs (PGP), postgraduate programs for executives (PGPX) and management development programs (MDPs), he held key responsibilities such as PGP Chair, MDP Chair, Area Chair for Accounting & Finance, Founder & Head of the Centre of Finance & Risk Management, Core Member of the organizing committee for International Conferences, and Member of the Academic Council. He has also worked with the NMIMS School of Business Management, Mumbai campus, as an Assistant Professor in Finance (2009-2012), and the Indian Institute of Management Ahmedabad (IIM-A) as an Academic Associate/Research Associate in accounting & finance area (2005-2009). He started his career in teaching in the year 2000. Apart from his role at Jaipuria Institute of Management, Dr. Shrivastava has served as visiting/adjunct faculty at esteemed institutions such as IIM Kozhikode, IIM Indore, Indian Institute of Public Health Gandhinagar, FLAME Pune, ICFAI Business School, Sardar Patel Institute of Public Administration Ahmedabad, and Ahmedabad Management Association. As a highly sought-after instructor, Dr. Shrivastava has conducted over 170 sessions as the sole instructor in numerous Management Development Programs (MDPs) tailored for senior-level and middle-level executives. He delivered the major MDPs to the executives of IOCL, NOVARTIS India, HOWE India, ADANI-Enterprises Ltd, ADANI- Ports & SEZ Ltd, ADANI-Power Ltd, ADANI-Wilmar, ADANI-Total Gas Ltd, ADANI-Realty, Adani Green Energy Ltd, TCS, Venture Infotek, Ahmedabad Municipal Corporation, Sardar Sarovar Narmada Nigam Ltd., Innovation & Research Foundation, and so on. Dr. Shrivastava's teaching approach revolves around employing case-based methods to deliver courses and modules for postgraduate programs and MDPs. His core teaching area lies in managerial accounting, where he has successfully implemented innovative teaching strategies to facilitate understanding of accounting principles among participants without an accounting background. His teaching repertoire encompasses courses such as Managerial Accounting, Financial Reporting & Analysis, Management Control Systems, Working Capital Management, Entrepreneurial and Startup Finance, and Private Equity & Venture Capital. Driven by a passion for research, Dr. Shrivastava's current focus centers on Managerial Accounting and Venture Capital. His scholarly contributions include publishing articles in ABDC category journals. Additionally, he holds positions as a member of the editorial advisory and review boards for esteemed publications such as the Malaysian Accounting Review, IMA Educational Case Journal, and Global Journal of Accounting & Finance.

Ph.D. ( 2005), PGDFM, M.Com., B.Com.

20.4 years


(Sole author) Shrivastava, A. (2023), in New Orleans. Revenue recognition practices in real estate: Evidence from Akshantrey realty. IGBR. Spring Conference in New Orleans (International Conference). LA.


(Co-authored) Shrivastava, A. (2023). Perspectives of management graduates on women entrepreneurship. New Age Management Strategy and Innovation by Bloomsbury Publishing. (Forthcoming)

(Co-authored) Shrivastava, A. (2021, June). Sustainable accounting practices. Infrastructure Development – Theory, Practice and Policy Sustainability and Resilience. Routledge-Taylor & Francis group. (Scopus)


(Sole author) Shrivastava, A. (2021, April 29-30). (April 2021), Edition: I. e-ISBN:978-81-952843-4-4. B: 9-10. Financing sustainable infrastructure. International Conference on Infrastructure Development: Theory, Practice, and Policy “Sustainability and Resilience.” First Impression.


(Co-authored) Shrivastava, A.(2022). Pandemic, roadblock, or end of on-campus finance education? (ABDC, ABS, & Scopus).

(Co-authored) Shrivastava, A. (2022). ArtJewel- no treasure for posh ventures. Wealth Management, spring 2022 issue. (ABDC & Scopus )

(Co-authored) Shrivastava, A. (2017). Private equity in India and Indian promoters’ perspective: A premier. Journal of Private Equity, 20(3), 68–75. (ABDC & Scopus)

(Sole author) Shrivastava, A. (2016). A descriptive case study of instructing the “financial reporting and analysis” course: Conventional vs. convenient approaches. Malaysian Accounting Review, 19(4), 149–167. (ABDC & Scopus)

(Sole author) Shrivastava, A. (2016). Case study: Jyothy laboratories. Journal of Private Equity, 19(4), 60–68. (ABDC & Scopus).

(Sole author) Shrivastava, A. (2016). Teaching manual: Jyothy Laboratories. Journal of Private Equity, 19(4).(ABDC & Scopus).

(Sole author) Shrivastava, A. (2014). Private equity: Teaching manual. Journal of Private Equity, 17(2), 84–92. (ABDC & Scopus).

(Sole author) Shrivastava, A. (2006). Productivity and efficiency of urban cooperative banks in Uttar Pradesh. Productivity: A Quarterly Journal of the National Productivity Council, 46(4), 600–604.

(Sole author) Shrivastava, A. (2005). Recovery of advances- A big problem for the urban cooperative banks. Cooperative Perspective: A Quarterly Journal of Vaikunth Mehta National Institute of Cooperative Management, Pune, 40(1), 13–18.

(Co-authored) Shrivastava, A.(2004). Urban cooperative banks: A study with special reference to Uttar Pradesh. Urban credit, A quarterly journal of the national federation of urban cooperative banks and credit societies Ltd. (NAFCUB), XXVI, 3, 13–17.

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