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Dr. Anuja Shukla

Associate Professor

Location: Jaipuria Noida


Dr. Anuja Shukla, Ph.D. (Management), M.Phil. (Management), M.B.A., M.A. (Economics), UGC Net, B.Sc. (Statistics), is a distinguished expert in the field of strategy and management. She is recipient of President Medal and Director Medal during her M.Phil. Dr. Anuja has 12+ years of experience and 24+ paper publications, 1 book publication, and 2-chapter publication. Her research articles have been published in International Journal of Information Management (A*), Psychology and Marketing (A), VISION (C), and FIIB (ABS 1). She has also won best research paper awards at FMS, Symbiosis, and Amity. Dr. Anuja has trained top level managers in the capacity of a Faculty for international universities such as Deakin University (Australia), Liverpool John Mores University (UK), Golden Gate University (USA) and Swiss School of Business management (Switzerland). She is the author of the book "Agile Research," a comprehensive guide that has been instrumental in shaping the research endeavors of students and professionals. Her areas of research interest include Electronic Word of Mouth, Consumer Behavior, m-Commerce, AR/VR, NLP, and next-gen technology.

Achievements and Awards
Recipient of President (Gold) Medal for securing highest marks in all PG Programmes in University. *Recipient of Director (Silver) Medal for securing highest marks in M.Phil. (Management). Received Best Paper Award at FMS, University of Delhi on 10th Feb 18. Received Best Research Paper Award at Amity International Business School, Noida on 15th Sep 17. *Won Best Research Methodology Award at 7th Doctoral Conference at HIMCS, Mathura, 29th July 16. *Won first Prize at National conference at Symbiosis Noida, 7-8 March 14. Won first Prize at National seminar at ITSIM Gr. Noida on 14-15 Dec 13. Received Best Paper award at international conference at Sri sai ram institute of management studies 2022

PhD, MPhil, MBA, MA Economics

Total: 12 Years
Academic: 9
Industry: 3

Mishra, A., Shukla, A., Rana, N.P., Currie, W.L. & Dwivedi, Y.K. (2023) “Re-examining post-acceptance model of information systems continuance: A revised theoretical model using MASEM approach,” International Journal of Information Management, 68p. 102571.

Shukla, A. & Sharma, S.K. (2022) “Psychological determinants of users’ adoption and word-of-mouth recommendations of smart voice assistants,” International Journal of Information Management, 67p. 102413.

Shukla, A., Kushwah, P., Jain, E. & Sharma, S.K. (2021) “Role of ICT in emancipation of digital entrepreneurship among new generation women,” Journal of Enterprising Communities: People and Places in the Global Economy, 15(1), pp. 137–154.

Shukla, A. & Mishra, A. (2021) “Effects of Visual Information and Argument Concreteness on Purchase Intention of Consumers Towards Online Hotel Booking,” Vision: The Journal of Business Perspective, p. 097226292110380.

Mishra, A., Shukla, A., Rana, N.P. & Dwivedi, Y.K. (2020) “From ‘touch’ to a ‘multisensory’ experience: The impact of technology interface and product type on consumer responses,” Psychology & Marketing, 38(3), pp. 385–396.

Mishra, A., Shukla, A. & Sharma, S.K. (2022) “Psychological determinants of users’ adoption and word-of-mouth recommendations of smart voice assistants,” International Journal of Information Management, 67p. 102413.

Shukla, A. & Mishra, A. (2022) “Role of Review Length, Review Valence and Review Credibility on Consumer’s Online Hotel Booking Intention,” FIIB Business Review, p. 231971452210996.

Mishra, A. & Shukla, A. (2022) “Gyan Fresh: Digital Transformation of Dairy Business with Resilience and Technology Innovation,” FIIB Business Review, 12(1), pp. 20–30.

Shukla, A. & Mishra, A. (2022) “Role of Review Length, Review Valence and Review Credibility on Consumer’s Online Hotel Booking Intention,” FIIB Business Review, p. 231971452210996.

Singh, P., Bhushan, S. & Shukla, A. (2023) “A study on factors affecting academic stress amongst students of higher education – a system dynamic approach,” International Journal of Business Excellence, 29(4), p. 504.

Shukla, A. & Sharma, S.K. (2018) “Evaluating Consumers’ Adoption of Mobile Technology for Grocery Shopping: An Application of Technology Acceptance Model,” Vision: The Journal of Business Perspective, 22(2), pp. 185–198.

Jain, E., Shukla, Anuja., Sharma, SK., and Kumar, A., (2022) Corporate Social Responsibility Influence On Organizational Performance: Moderating Effect Of Corporate Reputation, Management Dynamics: 22 (1) Article 7. Available at:

Dilani, Mayuri; Shukla, Anuja; and Pandey, Yamini (2022) Impact of work after hours on organizational commitment level and job satisfaction: A system dynamics approach Management Dynamics, 22(1), 23-35.

Shukla, A., Yadav, A., & Sharma, S. K. (2022). Predicting Movie Ticket Sales Using Google Trends: Implication of Big Data Analytics. IUP Journal of Management Research, 21(1), 23-31.

Shukla, A., Tomer, N., & Singh, P., (2021). System Dynamics Modeling to Understand the Impact of Covid-19 on Indian Economy. Management Dynamics: Vol. 21: No. 2, Article 2. Available at:

Jain, E., Shukla, A., Kumar, A., & Sharma, S. K. (2021). Acclimatizing the Fear of COVID-19: Impact on Psychological Distress and Job Burnout. Global Journal of Enterprise Information System, 13(4), 7-16.

Shukla, A. (2020). Impact of Technology on Child Psychology During COVID-19. Management Dynamics, 20(2), 6-9.

Shukla, A., Toma, N., Singh, P. (2021), System Dynamics Modeling to Understand the Impact of Covid-19 on Indian Economy. Management Dynamics, 21(2), 6-9.

Verma, M. & Shukla A., (2019), Financial risk mitigation for Greenfield infrastructure contracts, International journal of recent technology and Engineering, ISSN: 2277-3878, Volume-8 Issue-5, January 20203338-33342(Scopus + UGC)

Sharma, S. K., & Shukla, A., (2017), Revival of the ‘Golden Bird’: A Gap Analysis of Governments Initiatives and Tourist Expectations in Uttar Pradesh using Systems Approach. International Journal of Advances in Social Sciences.Vol5 Issue 2, 51-60. ISSN 2347-5153 (UGC)

Shukla, A., & Shukla, A. (2013), A Study of Changing Consumer Behaviour towards Convenience stores by entrance of malls in India. Zenith International Journal of Business Economics & Management Research, Vol.3 (4), 287-302. (Peer reviewed)

Singh, P., Roshan, S., & Shukla, A. (2020), Comparative Analysis of Foreign Direct Investment in Indian Banking sector, Journal of critical reviews, 7(7): 64-69. (Scopus Index)

Malhotra, S., & Shula, A. (2020), Conclusive effects of employee retention on a higher education culture. Purakala, ISSN 0971-2143, 31(4), 615-621. (UGC CARE Journal)

Shukla, A., & Sharma, S.K. (2017), A System Dynamic Approach to Understand Impact of Electronic Word of Mouth on Box-office Revenue. SAMVAD: SIBM Pune Research Journal, Vol XIV, 19-25. ISSN 2249-1880. (UGC)

Sharma, S. K., & Shukla, A. (2017), Impact of Electronic Word of Mouth on Consumer Behaviour and Brand Image. Asian Journal of Management, 8(3), 501-506, ISSN 2348-5329. (UGC)

Shukla, A., & Shukla, A. (2014), A Conceptual Study on Diffusion Process of Viral Idea, PISER, Vol.02, Issue: 03/06, 186-192.(Peer reviewed)

Chapter entitled ‘M-commerce: A boon or bane for Grocery Shoppers’ published in edited volume on M-Commerce: Experiencing the Phygital Retail, Apple Academic Press in collaboration with CRC Press, Taylor & Francis, March 2019. (Page 283-316). ISBN – 978-1-77188-714-4 (hardcover), 978- 0-42948-773-6 (eBook)

System dynamics modelling to understand impact of covid-19 on Indian Economy, Book- Impact of Covid -19 on global economy”, 2020, ISBN. 978-81-947149-5-8

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