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Dr. Bharti Ramtiyal Soni

Adjunct Faculty

Location: Jaipuria Jaipur


Mobile Payment System, E-Commerce, Metaverse

Marketing Management, Marketing Research, Strategic Management

Her journey began with a passion for aircraft engineering, which led her to excel in her studies and obtain her license. However, she realized that her true calling was in management, where she could make a broader impact. With unwavering determination, she completed her Ph.D. in Marketing. As a researcher, her work has revolved around understanding consumer behavior in the digital landscape. Her previous research focused on exploring the concept of perceived risk in the context of mobile payment systems. By investigating consumers' perceptions and attitudes towards the risks associated with mobile payments, she aimed to uncover key factors that influence their adoption and usage behavior. Building on this foundation, her current research endeavors involve delving into the emerging field of the metaverse. With the rapid evolution of virtual reality and augmented reality technologies, she is passionate about exploring the potential impact of the metaverse on consumer behavior, social interactions, and business strategies. Through her research, she aims to shed light on the opportunities and challenges associated with this evolving digital realm and contribute to the understanding of the metaverse's implications for society and commerce.

PhD, MBA, Aircraft Maintenance Engineering License

Ramtiyal, B, Garg, P, Johari, S., Rathore, APS and Thakrey, A. (2023), Investigating the Impact of Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) on Sustainable Consumer Purchase Behavior, Journal of Global Operations and Strategic Sourcing (Accepted)–(ABDC -C) - Q2

Mishra, A., Soni, G., Ramtiyal, B., Dhaundiyal, M., Kumar, A. and Sarma, PRS, Building risk Mitigation Strategies for Circularity adoption in Indian Textile Supply Chains, Annals of Operations Research, (Accepted) – (ABDC –A) –Q1(Impact factor: 4.82)

Ramtiyal, B., Verma, D. and Rathore, APS (2021), Role of Risk Perception and Situational Factors in Mobile Payment Adoption Among Small Vendors in Unorganised Retail, Electronic commerce Research. (ABDC –A ) –Q1- (Impact factor- 3.462)

Singh, A., Kumar, V., Verma, P. and Ramtiyal, B. (2022), "Can suppliers be sustainable in construction supply chains? Evidence from a construction company using best worst approach", Management of Environmental Quality. (ABDC-C) – Q1

Gupta, N., Soni, G., Mittal, S., Mukherjee, I., Ramtiyal, B. and Kumar,D. (2023). "Evaluating Traceability Technology Adoption in Food Supply Chain: A Game Theoretic Approach" Sustainability, Vol.15, No. 2: 898. (SCOPUS)-Q2 (Impact factor: 3.88)

Jain, M., Soni, G., Verma, D., Baraiya, D. and Ramtiyal, B. (2023). "Selection of Technology Acceptance Model for Adoption of Industry 4.0 Technologies in Agri-Fresh Supply Chain" Sustainability 15, No. 6: 4821. (SCOPUS) –Q2 - (Impact factor: 3.88)

Ramtiyal, B., Verma, D. ,Rathore, APS and Mittal, S. (2020), A Bibliometric Analysis of Research on Mobile Payment Systems, Recent Patents on Engineering, Vol. 15 No. 5, pp. 2-7. (SCOPUS) – Q3

Ramtiyal, B., Verma, D. and Rathore, APS (2020), Assessing the Degree of Perceived Riskin Adoption of Mobile Payment System by Retailers in India using Fuzzy AHP, International Journal of Services and Operations Management, Vol. 41 No. 1, pp. 8-29. (SCOPUS) – Q3

Ramtiyal, B., Verma, D. and Rathore, APS (2021), Interpretive Structural Modeling ofFactors Affecting Perceived Risk in Adoption of Mobile Payment System: A VendorsPerspective, International Journal of Intelligent Enterprise. International Journal of Intelligent Enterprise (Accepted) (SCOPUS) – Q3

Ramtiyal, B., Verma, D. and Rathore, APS (2021), Theories and Perceived risk in Adoptionof Mobile Payment System, Computers and Human Behavior, Asia Pacific Journal of Information Systems, Vol. 31 No. 4, pp. 543-574. (ABDC) – Q3

Under Revision (Major/minor)

Ramtiyal, B, Johari, S., Vijaywargya, L. and Prakash, S. (2023)The Impact of Marketing Mix on the Adoption of Clothes Rental and Swapping in Collaborative Consumption, Journal of Global Operations and Strategic Sourcing–(ABDC-C) – Q2

Kumar, D., Soni, G., Jabeen, F., Tiwari, N., K., Ataman, G. and Ramtiyal, R. (2023), A Hybrid Bayesian Approach for Assessment of Industry 4.0 Technologies Towards Achieving Decarbonization in Manufacturing Industry, Computers and Industrial Engineering –(ABDC – A) – Q1

Prakash, S. and Ramtiyal, B. (2022), Diffusion of Industry 4.0 Technologies in Logistics: Learning from Past and Future Direction, International Journal of Intelligent Enterprise – (SCOPUS) – Q3

Kumar, R., Kumar, D., Mishra, A., Ramtiyal, B. and Vijaywargiya, L. (2022), Assessing feasibility of design constraints for mills in planning and scheduling of cold rolling : A case of steel industry, International Journal of System Assurance Engineering and Management (SCOPUS) –Q2

Jangid, B., Mittal, M.L., Soni, G. and Ramtiyal, B. (2023), An Implementation Framework for Resiliency Assessment in a Supply Chain, Global Journal of Flexible Systems Management (ABDC-A)-Q1

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