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Dr. Deepak Halan

Associate Professor

Location: Jaipuria Noida


Dr. Deepak Halan is working as Associate Professor (Marketing) at Jaipuria Institute of Management, Noida. He has more than 26 years of experience in teaching, marketing research, sales, and below-the-line activities.

Dr. Halan‘s 17 years of industry experience spans across firms like IMG/TWI (world's largest sports and entertainment group), HCL Infosystems (India's premier IT company) and IDC India (a global provider of market intelligence & advisory services) amongst others. His last industry job was as Group Business Director with IMRB (part of the KANTAR Group that provides research expertise in over a hundred countries worldwide). Dr Halan‘s research areas of interest include – Online Retail, FDI in retail, and Green Marketing.

He has published 9 research papers in reputed peer-reviewed refereed international and national journals such as the International Journal of Retail & Distribution Management (ranked ABDC A) and Pacific Business Review International (WoS indexed). Dr. Halan has contributed 6 book chapters in reference/textbooks and has researched and published several articles on diverse marketing topics in reputed newspapers & magazines such as Business Standard, Economic Times, Business World, Indian Management amongst others.

He has also spoken at industry forums such as Mobile VAS Growth Markets (Dubai, 2009), chaired the 3G Summit (New Delhi, 2010), and presented research papers at 2 International and 4 National conferences. Dr. Halan has also conducted workshops at well-known institutes such as IIM Indore, IIFT, and NIFT.

PhD (Management), PGDM (Marketing), B.Tech

26 (No of years)
Academic: 9

(No of years)
Industry: 17 (No of years)

Halan, D (2021). E-tailers adaptation during early stages of ‘social distancing causing crises’: An exploratory study. (International Journal of Retail & Distribution Management, Vol. ahead-of-print No. ahead-of-print. A Category, Emerald, ABDC List), Impact Factor-3.77, Cite Score-4.6.

Halan, D (2020). Antecedents of Online Shopping Behavioural Intention in Asia's Second Largest Economy, Volume 13 Issue 3. (Pacific Business Review International - an International Refereed Journal, Web of Science Collection and indexed in the Emerging Sources Citation Index (ESCI) by Thomson Reuters), Scientific Journal Impact Factor (SJIF: 6.56).

Halan, D (2017). Exploring Dimensional structure of Antecedents of Online Shopping Behavior. (JIMS 8M – The Journal of Indian Management & Strategy, Vol 22 Issue 4. ThomsonReuters/Web of Science (Emerging Sources Citation Index),Scientific Journal Impact Factor (SJIF: 6.949).

Halan, D (2017). Critical Review of Cross-National Differences in Risk associated with Online Shopping, Vol. 10 No. 1. (IMR- Management Speaks - a peer-reviewed bi-annual journal, (ISSN: 2231-1467). UGC listed)

Halan, D (2013). No Easy Day for FDI in Multi-Brand Retail, Volume 6, issue 6.(Pacific Business Review International - an International Refereed Journal, Web of Science Collection and indexed in the Emerging Sources Citation Index (ESCI) by Thomson Reuters), ScientificJournal Impact Factor (SJIF: 6.56). (Co-authored)

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