^AIU Recognized PGDM courses Equivalent to MBA
Associate Professor - Operations
Controller of Examinations
PAN Area Chair - Operations & Decision Science
Email: lokesh.vijayvargy@jaipuria.ac.in
Location: Jaipuria Jaipur
Decision Science and Operations Management
Operations Management
Dr. Lokesh Vijayvargy is a Ph.D. in Green Supply Chain Management, M.Tech in Industrial Engineering from IIT Delhi. His overall experience spans over nineteen years.
Currently working as a Professor for the last 16 years in the area of Decision Sciences & Operations Management at Jaipuria Institute of Management, which is one of the top MBA colleges in Jaipur Rajasthan. He is Pan Jaipuria Area Chair (Operations Management), Chairperson-Alumni Relations, and Examination of Controller at Jaipuria Institute of Management Jaipur.
Previously, he was associated with Amity University Rajasthan and Visiting Faculty at BIT Jaipur, Institute of Agri-Business Management, Bikaner, and JECRC Jaipur for a period of four years.
HE WAS AWARDED VARIOUS AWARDS LIKE:He has research publications in various refereed international and national journals like the Journal of Manufacturing Technology Management, Journal of Global Operations and Strategic Sourcing, Management of Environmental Quality, International Journal of System Assurance Engineering and Management, RAIRO-Operations Research, IEEE Xplore, and Journal of Statistics and Management Systems, etc.
He has 15 Conference Presentations in international conferences at Ireland, Hong Kong, Thailand, Srilanka, Various IIT s & IIMs in India. He has organized six international conferences as convener in Jaipuria Jaipur (Year 2009, 2012, 2017, 2021, 2022 & 2023). He has also co-authored five edited books.
His areas of interest are Green Supply Chain Management, Industry 4.0, Supplier Selection, Operations Management, and Operations Research. He has also reviewed manuscripts for prestigious publications like Emerald, Science direct, TMH, and Oxford India.
Ph.D., M.Tech, B.E.
The impact of marketing mix on the adoption of clothes rental and swapping in collaborative consumption” – Author/s: Lokesh Vijayvargy, Bharti Ramtiyal, Shubha Johari, Surya Prakash; Journal: Journal of Global Operations and Strategic Sourcing (IISN: 2398-5364), 2023, Emerald Publication. Empirical Investigation (Q2 Scopus/WoS Indexed). https://doi.org/10.1108/JGOSS-04-2023-0027
“Assessing feasibility of design constraints for mills in planning and scheduling of cold rolling: A case of steel industry” – Author/s: Lokesh Vijayvargy, Rohit Kumar, Devesh Kumar, Bharti Ramtiyal, Surendra Bisht; Journal: International Journal of System Assurance Engineering and Management (ISSN 0976-4348), 2023, Springer Publication. Empirical Investigation (Q2 Scopus/WoS Indexed). https://doi.org/10.1007/s13198-023-01982-5
“Validity and reliability of sustainable supply chain management frameworks in Indian smart manufacturing industries” – Author/s: Lokesh Vijayvargy, Neeraj Kumar Jha, Naga Vamsi Krishna Jasti, Phaneendra Kiran Chaganti, Srinivas Kota; Journal: Management of Environmental Quality: An International Journal (ISSN: 1477-7835), 2023, Emerald Publication. Empirical Investigation |ABDC “C” Rated| (Q1 Scopus/WoS Indexed). https://doi.org/10.1108/MEQ-04-2022-0098
‘Adopting green and sustainable practices in the hotel industry operations- an analysis of critical performance indicators for improved environmental quality” - Author/s: Lokesh Vijayvargy, Surya Prakash, Vijay Prakash Sharma, Ranbir Singh, Nilaish; Journal: Management of Environmental Quality: An International Journal (ISSN: 1477-7835), 2023, Emerald Publication. Empirical Investigation |ABDC “C” Rated| (Q1 Scopus/WoS Indexed). https://doi.org/10.1108/MEQ-03-2022-0090
“A bi-objective integrated transportation and inventory management under a supply chain network considering multiple distribution networks” - Author/s: Lokesh Vijayvargy, Srikant Gupta, Biswajit Sarkar; Journal: RAIRO-Operations Research (ISSN: 0399-0559), 2022, EDP Sciences Publication. Empirical Investigation (Q2 Scopus/WoS Indexed). https://doi.org/10.1051/ro/2022164
“Role of E-Service Quality (E-SQ) on customers’ online buying intention: An extended theory of planned behavior” - Author/s: Lokesh Vijayvargy, Narender Singh Bhati, Amit Pandey; Journal: IEEE Access, 2022, IEEE Xplore Publication. Empirical Investigation (Q1 Scopus/WoS Indexed). DOI: 10.1109/ACCESS.2022.3190637
“Identification of Antecedents of Consumer's Intentions for Green Restaurants in Post Covid Time” - Author/s: Lokesh Vijayvargy, Shubha Johri, Akshita Gupta; Journal: Pacific Business Review International (ISSN: 0974-438X), 2022, Pacific Academy of Higher Education & Research University Publication. Empirical Investigation (WoS Indexed). http://www.pbr.co.in/2022/2022_month/March/1.pdf
“The Impact of Socio-Economic and Psychographic Factors on Financial Inclusion” - Author/s: Lokesh Vijayvargy, Babita Jha, Srikant Gupta; Journal: International Journal of Applied Behavioral Economics (ISSN: 2160-9802), 2022, IGI Global Publication, Empirical Investigation (WoS Indexed). DOI: 10.4018/IJABE.305116
The Study of Blockchain Technology to Enhance the Organizational Performance: Theoretical Perception” -Author/s: Lokesh Vijayvargy, Swati Mathur; Journal: Lecture Notes in Engineering and Computer Science (ISSN: 20780958), 2022, International Association of Engineers Publication. Theoretical Investigation | (Scopus Indexed)
“Assessment of Green Supply Chain Practices for Sustainable Organizational Performance for the Automotive Sector” - Author/s: Lokesh Vijayvargy, Saumyaranjan Sahoo; Journal: IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science (ISSN: 1755-1315), 2021, IOP Publishing Ltd, Empirical Investigation (Scopus Indexed) DOI: 10.1088/1755-1315/795/1/012017
“Selection of green supplier in automotive industry: an expert choice methodology” - Author/s: Lokesh Vijayvargy, Srikant Gupta; Journal: IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science (ISSN: 1755-1315), 2021, IOP Publishing Ltd, Empirical Investigation (Scopus Indexed) DOI: 10.1088/1755-1315/795/1/012036
“Green supply chain management practices and its impact on organizational performance: evidence from Indian manufacturers” - Author/s: Lokesh Vijayvargy, Saumyaranjan Sahoo; Journal: Journal of Manufacturing Technology Management (ISSN: 1741-038X), 2021, Emerald Publication. Empirical Investigation |ABDC “B” Rated| (Q1 Scopus/WoS Indexed) https://doi.org/10.1108/JMTM-04-2020-0173
“Assessment of stress level in urban area’s during COVID-19 outbreak using critic and topsis: A case of Indian cities” - Author/s: Lokesh Vijayvargy, Srikant Gupta, Kuldeep Gupta; Journal: Journal of Statistics and Management Systems (ISSN: 0972-0510), 2021, Taylor & Francis Publication, Empirical Investigation (WoS Indexed) https://doi.org/10.1080/09720510.2021.1879470
“Green supply chain management practices and performance: The role of firm-size for emerging economies” -Author/s: Lokesh Vijayvargy, Jitesh Thakkar, Gopal Agarwal, Journal: Journal of Manufacturing Technology Management (ISSN: 1741-038X), 2017, Emerald Publication. Empirical Investigation |ABDC “B” Rated| (Q1 Scopus/WoS Indexed) https://doi.org/10.1108/JMTM-09-2016-0123
“Empirical study on adoption of green supply chain practices for developing economy” -Author/s: Lokesh Vijayvargy, Journal: Lecture Notes in Engineering and Computer Science (ISSN: 20780958), 2017, International Association of Engineers Publication. Empirical Investigation | (Scopus Indexed)
“Green supplier assessment in environmentally responsive supply chains through analytical network process” -Author/s: Lokesh Vijayvargy, Gopal Agarwal, Journal: Lecture Notes in Engineering and Computer Science (ISSN: 20780958), 2012, International Association of Engineers Publication. Empirical Investigation | (Scopus Indexed)
“On Some Integral Operators for Certain Classes of-Valent Functions” ” -Author/s: Lokesh Vijayvargy, Pranay Goswami, Bushra Malik; Journal: International Journal of Mathematics and Mathematical Sciences (ISSN: 0161-1712), 2011, Hindawi Publication. Theoretical Investigation | (Q2 Scopus/WoS Indexed) https://doi.org/10.1155/2011/783084