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Dr. Pooja Singh Kushwaha

Associate Professor & Program Chair

Location: Jaipuria Indore


Knowledge management, Social networking, Database Management

IT & Analytics

Dr. Pooja S. Kushwha is an academician and trainer with more than 16 years of experience in the field of Information Systems. IBM Certified Analytics trainer has Google certification in the area of Analytics and search engine optimization and digital marketing.

At present, she is working with Jaipuria Institute of Management, which is one of the best PGDM/MBA colleges in Indore, Madhya Pradesh,  as an Assistant Professor (Information Technology and Business Analytics) and Chair- Admissions.

She has conducted various MDP sessions for corporate few are Middle-Level Managers of Clinton Foundation, Women Empowerment for ONGC Women employees, Excel skills for decision making for HD Wires, Skill mantra, PNP InfoTech, and for Digital marketing for Women Entrepreneurs of Indore.

She has a number of magazine articles, web articles, research papers published and presented in various national and international journals and conferences to her credit. She is expertise in Advance Excel, Digital Marketing, Social Media Analytics, Knowledge Management, and Cloud Computing.

She has conducted a number of seminars all around the country on Advance Excel and Digital Marketing and trained number of engineering and management students in Cloud Computing and Advanced Excel for career opportunities.


Kushwaha, P. S., (2021). The tie-up blues for Vanya’s Dance Planet: A failure case of social media marketing (Scopus)

Kushwaha, P. S., (2021). Conceptualization of an Explicit Knowledge Management Framework: an institutional approach (Scopus)

Kushwaha, P. S., Mahajan, R., Attri, R., & Misra, R. (2020). Study of Attitude of B-School Faculty for Learning Management System Implementation an Indian Case Study. International Journal of Distance Education Technologies (IJDET), 18(2), 52-72.

Attri, R., & Kushwaha, P. (2019). The Impact of Digital Learning Tools on Student Performance. IUP Journal of Information Technology, 15(3).

Attri, R., & Kushwaha, P. (2018). Enablers for good placements of graduates: fitting industry’s needs. Higher Education, Skills and Work-Based Learning.

Bairagi, M. R. Women Skill Development at RVTI-Indore-Opportunities and Challenges Dr. Rekha Attri Dr. Pooja Kushwaha.

Dr.Rekha Attri, Dr.Pooja.S.Kushwaha (2017) published paper titled “Content Analysis of Official Facebook Pages of Prime Minister Schemes in India” in International Journal of Research and Innovation in Social Science (IJRISS) Volume I, Issue V, May 2017|ISSN 2454-6186.

Dr.S.K Pandey, Dr.Pooja.S.Kushwaha, Dr.Sanchita Ghatak (2016) published paper titled “Impact of Digital Technologies in student engagement and learning at academic institutions with special reference to B-Schools” in Indian Journal of Commerce and Management Studies Vol.VII, 2016, Issue-2(1), pp.41-45.

Dr.Pooja.S.Kushwaha, Dr.S.K Pandey (2016) published paper titled “Analysis of IT adoption in Indian SMEs -Case Study of Rajasthan” in (IJCSIT) International Journal of Computer Science and Information Technologies, Vol. 7 (3), 2016, 1165-1168.

Dr.Pooja.S.Kushwaha, Dr.S.K Pandey (2016) published paper titled “Exploring Knowledge Management Applications in B-Schools” in IJEMR Vol.6 Issue 05(May)-Online- ISSN 2249- 2585 Print-ISSN 2249-8672.

Pooja S. Kushwaha, Kalyani Mulchandani (2016) presented a case study titled “Ultra Small Branches a step towards financial inclusion: A Case Study” at Global Case Summit organized by IIM Raipur, February 5-6 2016.

Pooja S. Kushwaha (2016) publishes a paper titled “Social Commerce: Catalyst for E-Commerce” in Unnayan blind peer reviews journal with ISSN NO. 2349-6622

Pooja S. Kushwaha, Dr.AlpanaTrehan (2009) presented a paper titled Sharing of digital resources by B-School Students: An important tool for Employability” at International Conference 2009 organized by IMS, DAVV Dec 22-23 2009

Pooja S. Kushwaha, Dr.Alpana Trehan (2009) presented a paper titled Sharing of digital resources by B-School Students: An important tool for Employability” at International Conference 2009 organized by IMS, DAVV Dec 22-23 2009.

Pooja S. Kushwaha, Sumit Jain (2009) presented a paper titled “Ontologies Applications and research” at PIMR Fourth National IT Conference – 2009 organized by Prestige Institute of Management and Research” on Sept 12-13, 2009

Pooja S. Kushwaha, Sumit Jain (2009) presented a paper titled “The case Study: Web Applications in e-business” at National Conference on Management Organized by Pioneer Institute of Professional Studies at Indore, M.P. on May 15- 16 ’09

Pooja S. Kushwaha; Sumit Jain (2009) presented a paper titled “Comparing Conventional method with rubrics for evaluating Business Communication in Engineering Course of M.P: Striving for placement” at National Conference on Management organized by Truba College of Technology, Indore (M.P) on 14-15 May ’09.

Pooja S. Kushwaha; Dr.Vivek.S.Kushwaha (2009) presented a paper absentia Titled “Impact of emerging technologies in booming organized retail industry: An Explanatory Study” at IBS Ahmedabad International Conference (IBSAICON0) organized by IBS-Ahmedabad on Jan 4-5 ’09.

Pooja S. Kushwaha, Shubhra Aanand (2008) presented a paper titled Serviceman Attitudes and expectations for mobile banking: A comparative study” at International Conference on banking Conference on banking consolidation organized By IBS-Mumbai on Dec 19-20, 2008

Pooja S. Kushwaha (2008) presented a paper titled “Role of Data Mining to Attain better customer relationship” at International Conference on Quantitative Method Operations and Information Technology organized by IBS-Hyderabad on Oct 24- 25, 2008.

Pooja S. Kushwaha (2008) presented a paper titled “The role of ICT in logistics for promoting competitive advantage of the firm” at National Conference on "Opportunities and Challenges in the global business” organized by IIFTR, Indore Aug 7-8.

Megha Jain; Pooja S. Kushwaha; Nidhi Vyas (2008) Journal of Madhya Pradesh Economic Association, Vol.XIX February.2008 title “Vocational Personality and Perceived Employability in a Knowledge Driven Economy” in 19th M.P. Economic Association Conference at School of Economics, DAVV, Indore, M.P. on 15 –16 Feb.2008. Regd.No.20588/85.

Pooja S. Kushwaha; Megha Jain; Nidhi Vyas (2008) presented a paper and published an abstract titled “Synergizing Retailing with IT” at IV National Conference held on “Mapping For Excellence: Challenges Ahead” on 16th Feb.08 organized by Pioneer Institute of Professional Studies at Indore, M.P.

Pooja.S. Kushwaha; Manish Soni (2008) presented a paper titled “Interactive learning and Student Response System” at NACC sponsored seminar on 3rd May 2008 organized by M.K.H.S Gujrati Girls College on at Indore M.P

Pooja.S. Kushwaha; Manish Soni (2008) presented a paper Titled “Digitalization of Management Education: A Comparative Study” at national Conference on Contemporary management Scenario in the Context of Globalization, liberalization, Mergers & Acquisitions-Opportunities and Challenges Ahead” on 10th Oct 2008 organized by LNCT-MER (Lakshmi Narain College of Technology Management Education & Research)

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