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Dr. Radhika Bansal

Associate Professor

Location: Jaipuria Noida

Business Communication, Employment Communication, Task-based Language Teaching

Seasoned Educationist with a demonstrated history of working in the higher education industry for 15 years, skilled in E-Learning, Teaching, Training and Lecturing, Public Speaking, and developing Innovative domain-specific need-based English Language and Communication curriculum.

She worked as Head in the Department of Humanities at UPES Dehradun. Over her years of experience, she has developed many innovative practices such as task-based language learning and participatory technology-based language learning with creative assessment tools and techniques.

Currently, she is working at Jaipuria Institute of Management which is India's best MBA College in Noida, Delhi NCR as an Associate Professor.
Awards & Publications
  • She is awarded 'The Best Presenter Award' in the International Conference of English Language in Jakarta, Indonesia.
  • She headed and conducted 5 National and International Conferences and edited four conference proceedings.
  • She is a member of the editorial board of two International and National ELR journals.
  • She has also authored 2 books of poetry and has 12 research papers published to her credit.
  • Apart from English, she is also proficient in the French language and has a working knowledge of Urdu.

M.A, Ph.D English, B.Ed, Advance Diploma French Language

15 Years


  • Much of Soul- (ISBN -978-81-8253-409-4) published by, 2013
  • “Thodi si Zindagi Jee li Maine” - (ISBN 978-1-64783-581-1) Notion Press Inc. 2019
Achievements and Awards

‘Best Paper Presenter Award’ in the 6th ICRTEL 2018 – International Conference on Research in Teaching, Education & Learning, Universitas Al Azhar Indonesia Jakarta, Indonesia on 21-22-November 2018

‘Award of Excellence’ for special contribution in developing Course curriculum and resources for Language Lab 2013, UPES, Dehradun

Chapters/Research Papers
  1. Bansal, R., & Pathak, A.P. (2019). Be S.M.A.R.T.: Blending Formative and Summative Assessments in Hybrid Course on ESP Language in India Vol. 19:12 December 2019
  2. Bansal, R., & Pathak, A. P. (2019). From Hieroglyphs to Digital Glyphs – Are the Millennials Bidding Adieu to Words? Language in India Vol. 19:10 1930-2940.
  3. Bansal, R. (2018). Desire, says Buddha, is the Cause of Grief: Grieving Desire- Desiring Grief - A Reflection in Prathibha Nandakumar & Kamala Das’s Selected Poems. Comparative Literature: Interrogations and Investigations 978-93-81778-31-9.
  4. Bansal, R., & Pathak, A. P. (2017). Thinking How to Think: The Role of Critical Thinking in Developing Coherence and Precision in Writing. Language in India, 17, 1, 1930-2940.
  5. Bansal, R. (2016). Imparting ‘Service Oriented Skills’ to Second year UG Law Students Through Sensitizing them in Reference to Client Communication Quotient. Interdisciplinary Integration for Legal Enrichment, 978-93-85989-98-9.
  6. Bansal, R. (2016). Use of Mind-Mapping Technique as a ‘Pre-Writing’ Exercise to Impart Writing Skills in Budding Lawyers Based on Tony Buzan’s Ideology of Mind-map. Interdisciplinary Integration for Legal Enrichment, 978-93-85989-98-9.
  7. Bansal, R. (2016). Signifying the Self: Major Women Characters in Shashi Deshpande’s in the Country of Deceit. Daath Voyage: An International Journal of Interdisciplinary Studies in English Literature. 2455-7544.
  8. Bansal, R. (2015). The Matrix of Womanhood: Being in and out of the Flux of Identity Crisis by the Women Characters in the Selected Works of Shashi Deshpande. World Journal of Gender & Literature, 2, 1, 2349-1620.
  9. Bansal, R., & Pathak, A. P. (2015). Language vs lingo: Testing the Dynamics of Textng. Language in India, 15, 4, 1930-2940.
  10. Bansal, R. (2015). Draupadi: Manifestation of Victim as Victor in Chitra Banarjee Divakaruni’s ‘The Palace of Illusions’. GNOSIS, 2394-0131.
  11. Bansal, R. (2014). Strategies of Resistance: A Study of Shashi Deshpande’s The Dark Holds no Terrors & Taslima Nasrin’s Shodh. The Literati, 3, 2, 2248-9576.
  12. Bansal, R. (2008). Patriarchy in the Novels of Shashi Deshpande. Pegasus.

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