^AIU Recognized PGDM courses Equivalent to MBA
Associate Professor
Email: ritika.gugnani@jaipuria.ac.in
Location: Jaipuria Noida
Managerial Economics, Macroeconomic Policy Issues,Business Ethics, Corporate Governance
Economics and International Business
Dr. Ritika Gugnani has more than 16 years of experience in teaching subjects in the area of Economics and General management. She is an academician and trainer. She has conducted various training sessions on Business Ethics, Corporate Governance, and Business Environment.
Currently, She is working as an Associate Professor with Jaipuria Management Institute in Noida, which is one of the best MBA colleges in Delhi NCR.
PhD, M.B.A, M.A (Eco)
Gugnani Ritika (2014),“Creating successful business model: lessons for social entrepreneurship”, International Journal of Entrepreneurship and Innovation Management Vol. 18, Nos. 5/6, 2014 ( Inderscience)( Co-authored)
Gugnani Ritika (2013) “Corporate governance and financial performance of Indian firms”, Journal of Commerce, Vidyasagar University,Vol.18, March 2013
Gugnani Ritika ( 2011) “Drivers of customer equity for cellular operators in India” in Review of Professional Management, Vol. 9, Issue-1, July 2011
Gugnani Ritika (2009) “An insight into the CRM practices in selected Indian Services Industries” in Journal of Marketing and Communication (JMC) Jan- Apr 2009,Vol .4 Issue 3.( Coauthored)
Gugnani Ritika (2007) “Corporate Governance and Capital Market in India”, in Review of Professional Management, Vol-5 Issue-1, Jan-June, 2007
Case presentation entitled on “Trouble shooting Microfinance Industry: A case of Bandhan Financial Services Ltd. Organized by BIMTECH and George Mason University, Arlington ( USA) in December 2015( Co-authored)
Casepresentation on “Vestergaard: Profit for purpose” in ICMC-2013(International conference on management cases) organized by BIMTECH and George Mason University , Arlington ( USA) in December 2013( Co-authored)
Presented a Paper in International conference on “The Role of Social Media for Organizational Sustainability (ICROSMOS)” on February 12-13, 2016 (Co-authored)
Presented a paper in International Conference on “Asian on Board Room for Future: Contribution of Professional women in International Conference on Asian Management Practices: People, Strategies& Evolution” on March 19-21 2009 by IIM-Lucknow, Noida campus (Co-authored )
Presented a paper on “Corporate Governance practices in E7 economies” held on 20 January, 2007 at Jaipuria Institute of Management, Noida.
Presented a paper on “Corporate Governance and Capital Market in India” held at Kurukshetra University, Department of Commerce.
Published a Book on “Values and Ethics” For Sun India Publication, co-authored with Dr. T.N. Chabra.
Published a Book on “Principles of Microeconomics” by J.B. Taylor (Indian Adaptation by Biztantra Publications)