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Dr. Sahil Singh Jasrotia

Assistant Professor-II
Assistant Dean-Research

Location: Jaipuria Indore


Consumer Behaviour, Digital Marketing, Qualitative Research, Tourism Management, Corporate Governance


Dr. Sahil Singh Jasrotia is a faculty in the area of Marketing at Jaipuria Institute of Management, Indore, India. He holds a Ph.D. degree in Marketing Management. He has done his Masters in Commerce ( and Bachelors in Business Administration (BBA) from the University of Jammu. His academic and research interest lies in Marketing Management, Consumer Behaviour, Qualitative Market Research, Tourism Management, and Channel Choice Behaviour. He has published papers in many International and National Journals which are ABDC, SSCI and Scopus listed. His recent publication is in the International Journal of Distribution and Retail Management (ABDC “A” Category). Prior to Joining the Jaipuria Institute of Management, he worked with the Indian Institute of Management, Indore as an Academic Associate from Jan 2018 to July 2019. His research has been published in various refereed journals of renowned publishers such as Elsevier, Sage, Wiley, Springer, Emerald, Inderscience etc.


Koul. S and Jasrotia. S.S (2019), Product Adoption by small retailers in India, International Journal of Retail and Distributions Management, Emerald Publishing. Vol. 47 No. 11, pp. 1163-1180. DOI:

Jasrotia. S.S, Kamila. M.K and Chib. S (2022), Role of Engagement in Online Gaming: A study of Generation Z customers, Digital Creativity, Taylor and Francis Publications (Accepted)

Jasrotia. S.S and Agarwal. T (2021), Consolidation of Indian PSU Banks and the way forward, Journal of Public Affairs, John Wiley Publications. Vol. 21 No. 1. DOI:

Mulchandani. K, Jasrotia. S.S, and Mulchandani. K (2022), Determining Supply Chain Effectiveness for Indian MSMEs: A Structural Equation Modelling Approach, Asia Pacific Management Review, Elsevier. (Accepted).

Sridhar. I and Jasrotia. S.S (2021), CEO compensation and Corporate Governance: Evidence from India, The Journal of Developing Areas, Tennessee State University College of Business. Vol 55, No 1. Pp. 41-54. DOI: 10.1353/jda.2021.0005

Sridhar. I and Jasrotia. S.S (2021), Corporate Governance and Public Sector Banks Consolidation: Evidence from India, Accounting Business and the Public Interest, Vol 20, No 1. pp. 150-163.

Koul. S, Jasrotia. S.S and Mishra. H.G (2021), Value Co-Creation in Sharing Economy: Indian Experience, Journal of the Knowledge Economy, Springer Publications (Accepted) DOI: Jasrotia. S.S, Patel. V and Kamila. M.K (2021), Impact of Sustainable Tourism on Tourist’s Satisfaction: Evidence from India, Business Perspectives and Research, Sage Publishers. (Accepted)

Koul. S and Jasrotia. S.S (2021), Role play… Take 1…. Action: An Experiential Activity for Marketing Students, Journal of Education, Sage Publishers. (Accepted)

Mulchandani. K, Mulchandani. K and Jasrotia. S.S (2021), Does Gender Diversity on Firm’s Board affect Dividend Payouts? Evidence from India, Future Business Journal, Springer Publications.

Jasrotia. S.S and Koul. S (2020), Do Young Consumer buy Country Made Products: Evidence from India, International Journal of Management and Enterprise Development, Inderscience Publishers. Vol.19, No.4, pp.378 – 397. DOI: 10.1504/IJMED.2020.110830

Jasrotia. S.S, Agarwal. T and Chib. S (2021), The impact of COVID-19 on the Indian hospitality sector and tourism education. International Journal on Pluralism and Economics Education, Inderscience Publishers Vol.12, No 1, pp. 80-88. 10.1504/IJPEE.2021.118146

Sridhar. I and Jasrotia. S.S (2021), Inclusive Corporate Governance for Creating Shared Values: Indian Experience, International Journal of Indian Culture and Business Research, Inderscience Publishers. Vol 22, No 1, pp. 272-286. DOI: 10.1504/IJICBM.2020.10030849

Koul. S, Jasrotia. S.S, and Mishra. H.G. (2021), Acceptance of Digital Payments by Rural Retailers in India, Journal of Payment, Strategy and Systems. Vol. 15, No. 2. Pp. 201-213 (Scopus Indexed).

Sridhar. I and Jasrotia. S.S (2020), Board Leadership and Executive Compensation: Corporate Governance in India, International Journal of Indian Culture and Business Management, Inderscience Publishers Vol. 20, No. 1. pp 11-20. DOI: 10.1504/IJICBM.2020.105551

Sridhar. I and Jasrotia. S.S (2020), Related Party Transactions and Corporate Governance: Evidence from India, International Journal of Indian Culture and Business Management, Inderscience Publishers Vol. 20, No. 2. pp 234-244. DOI: 10.1504/IJICBM.2020.105639

Jasrotia. S.S, Mishra. H.G and Sharma. R.L (2020), Capital Adequacy Norms: Banks compliance with Basel-III norms, International Journal of Electronic Banking, Inderscience Publishers Vol. 2, No. 1, pp – 16-37. DOI: 10.1504/IJEBANK.2020.105414

Jasrotia. S.S, Mishra H.G and Koul. S (2019), Brick or Click? Channel Choice Disruptions in Travel Industry, Asia Pacific Journal of Management Innovation and Research, Sage Publications. Vol. 15, No. 1-2, pp. 16-26. Indexed in J-Gate, DeepDyve and Indian Citation Index. (DOI: 10.1177/2319510X19829308).

Sridhar. I and Jasrotia. S.S (2021), CEO Compensation and Shareholder Value Creation: Impact on Corporate Governance in India, International Journal of Business Innovation and Research, Inderscience Publishers. DOI: 10.1504/IJBIR.2020.10035481

Koul. S, Mishra H.G and Jasrotia. S.S (2019), Product Adoption by BOP retailers, International Journal of Indian Culture and Business Management, Inderscience Publishers. Vol 19, No. 1, pp. 51-66. (DOI: 10.1504/IJICBM.2019.10019279).

Jasrotia. S.S, Sharma. R.L and Mishra H.G (2019), Disruptions in Indian Telecom Sector: A Qualitative study on Reliance Jio, Indore Management Journal. Vol. 11 No. 1, pp. 37-45.

Jasrotia. S.S, Sharma. R.L and Mishra. H.G (2019). A Comparative Analysis on Banks Compliance with BASEL-III Capital Adequacy Norms, Vinimaya, National Institute of Bank Management. Vol. 40, No 3, pp. 27-49.

Case Publications

Jasrotia. S.S, Agarwal. T and Sridhar. I. (2021). “LIC Acquisition of IDBI Bank: The Corporate Marriage of Unfulfilled Promises”. Emerging Economies Cases Journal. Sage Publications. (Accepted).

Publications in Book Chapter

Koul. S, Jasrotia. S.S, Mishra. H.G (2021). "Adoption of Mobile Commerce by Indian Small Retailers" has been accepted for publication in Advs in Intelligent Systems and Computing, Vol. 1391, Tao-Sheng Wang et al. (Eds): Advances in Decision Science and Management, 978-981-16-2501-5, 506272_1_En, (Chapter 43). Springer Publications

Paper Presentations

Presented Paper titled “Adoption of Mobile Commerce by Indian Small Retailers” in International Conference on Decision Sciences Management. Organized by The Hang Seng University of Hong Kong in China, on Jan 8-10, 2021.

Presented Paper titled “Engaging Tourists through Experiential Marketing: A Sustainable Business Approach” in International Conference on Sustainability and Equity. Organized by KIIT Deemed to be University, Odisha, India on 23-25th November, 2020.

Presented Paper titled “Corporate Digital Responsibility: Tool for Improving Corporate Governance” in International Conference on Sustainability and Equity. Organized by KIIT Deemed to be University, Odisha, India on 23-25th November, 2020.

Presented Paper titled “Two decades of Marketing Ethics: The emerging challenges of 21st Century” in 1st International Online Academic Conference on Contemporary challenges to Economics and Business. Organized by Georgian National University SEU and Lazarski University, Warsaw, Poland, on 16th May, 2020.

Presented Paper titled “Acceptance of Digital Payments by Rural Retailers in India” in 10th NASMEI Summer Conference, 2019 held at IIM Indore on 26-28 July, 2019.

Presented Paper titled “Online Ethics and its impact on customer engagement: A Study of young Consumers” in 10th Conference on Excellence in Research and Education (CERE), 2019 held at IIM Indore on 3-5 May, 2019.

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