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Dr. Samar Sarabhai

Professor - Marketing
Dean - Academics
PAN Area Chair - Strategy and General Management

Location: Jaipuria Jaipur


After having completed by full-time MBA in Marketing in 1997 he joined corporate and worked with companies like Patni Computers, Redington India Ltd., HCL Info Systems; driving channel sales, retail initiatives, and was profit center head.

After joining academics in 2006, Dr. Samar Sarabhai worked for, ICFAI Business School and was also on deputation for two terms at ICFAI Dubai. Prior to joining Jaipuria Institute of Management in Jaipur, he worked as a Professor and Head of the Department at TAPMI Business School, Jaipur.

With a doctorate in Retail Management, he has four books authored/edited by him and has also guided Ph.D. students. He is trained in the Case method of teaching and Business Simulation by Harvard Business Publishing.

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Ph.D., MBA

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