^AIU Recognized PGDM courses Equivalent to MBA
Assistant Professor
Email: shubha.johari@jaipuria.ac.in
Location: Jaipuria Jaipur
Consumer Behaviour, CRM, Behavioral Economics
Marketing Management, Sales Management & Business Development, Consumer Behaviour, CRM, Business Marketing Management
Shubha Johri is an Assistant Professor in Marketing at Jaipuria Management Institute in Jaipur Rajasthan, with 14 years of experience in industry and academia. She has been fortunate to work with reputed organizations like Lupin Labs, Eros International, ICFAI, and Lal Bahadur Shastri Institute of Management and Technology in the past.
She has done PGDBM, MA in Economics, and PhD. and has a strong flair for teaching and corporate training. She has served as a resource person at various MDPs on Sales and CRM and organized such programs on campus also.
She has presented papers at various national and international conferences and is inclined to do research in the area of Consumer Behavior and CRM.
There is no single method for effective teaching, which can be considered best for a given person. While I believe in my expertise in teaching, I also appreciate that learning never ends and have to continue learning and keep building my teaching skills.
In my opinion effective teaching is comprised of two important elements-- knowledge of the subject matter and ability to comprehend and communicate it effectively.
As teacher, I prefer students to actively participate and there should exist a student centered learning environment. I discuss with students the basics & fundamentals of the subject, complement my discussion with real world examples, case studies and create a collaborative platform for discussion. This helps the student to experience the practical application of concepts in to real world scenarios and processes. I further define my objectives as a facilitator:
1. To facilitate students to acquire behavioral and cognitive learning skills.
2. To develop critical thinking and problem solving skills.
3. To guide students to prepare themselves as highly skilled and competent practitioner of their domain area.
Holistically my teaching pedagogies aim at empowering students to take ownership of their learnings and facilitate them to realize that they are equally accountable for achieving learning outcomes.
Dr Shubha Johri
Faculty, Marketing Area
Presented a paper on “Identification of the Factors Influencing Green Consumerism in Indian context” in international conference at IIT Delhi, 2016.
Presented a paper on “Study of Factors Affecting Shopper’s attitude toward Grocery Shopping” in International conference at IIM Kashipur in year 2015.
Study of global recession on investment patterns of households", IMS Manthan, Vol. IV, Issue 1, June. 2011.
Presented a paper on “Changing Role of Management Education” in International conference at IIM Ahmadabad in year 2011.
Presented a paper on “Green advertising: A conceptual change, gimmick or attitudinal shift” in international conference at K. J Somaiya Institute, Mumbai in year 2011.
Presented a paper in international conference on “Role of CRM in Cellular Telecom Industry” at Nirma Institute of Management. Paper is published in conference proceedings in year 2010.