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Prof. Sudipta Kumar Nanda

Assistant Professor

Location: Jaipuria Indore


Quantitative Finance, Information asymmetry, Event-study method, Corporate Governance.

Accounting and Finance

Achievements and Awards:

  • Received the best paper award for the paper titled “A study on the effect of audit committee on performance of manufacturing firms in India” in the OPJU Digital International Conference 2020 in September, 2020.
  • Was awarded the University Grants Commission’s National Eligibility Test for Research Fellowship and Professorship in the subject of Management in July, 2012. (UGC JRF NET in Management)
  • The paper titled “Marketing Propositions of Campaign-Based Assistance in Public Healthcare – A Study at Rourkela Government Hospital” was awarded the “Best Paper” in the session at the International Conference on “Marketing in Emerging Markets” held at Rourkela Institute of Management Studies, Rourkela on 6th-8th September, 2009.

Ph.D. from Vinod Gupta School of Management, I.I.T. Kharagpur.

Master of Business Administration (Finance)

Bachelor of Sciences from Osmania University, Hyderabad

Assistant Professor in Finance at O. P. Jindal University from 2018-2022.

Ph.D. Research Scholar at VGSoM, IIT Kharagpur from 2013-2018.

Faculty in Finance at Rourkela Institute of Management Studies from 2009-2013.

Co-edited “Financial Risk Management – A Challenge for the Competitive Markets.” Excel Books, India. (ISBN: 8174469109)

Papers Published:

Nanda, S.K. and Barai, P. (2021), "Effect of insider trading on stock characteristics", Asian Journal of Accounting Research (Scopus, ABDC indexed), Vol. 6 No. 2, pp. 210-227.

Papers Presented in Seminars and Conferences:

Presented a paper titled “A study on the effect of audit committee on performance of manufacturing firms in India” in the OPJU Digital International Conference 2020 in September, 2020.

Presented a paper titled “Mimicking Insider Trades around Earnings Announcements in Indian Firms” in the International Conference on Financial Markets and Corporate Finance at IIT Kharagpur in July, 2017.

Presented a paper titled “Insider Trading around Earnings Announcements in Indian Firms” in the Financial Markets and Corporate Governance Conference at Victoria University of Wellington, New Zealand in April, 2017.

Presented a paper titled “An Empirical Analysis of the MSME Sector in India,” in the UGC sponsored International Seminar on “Development of Entrepreneurship in MSME – A way Forward to Sustainability” organised by P.G. Dept. of Commerce, Utkal University, Bhubaneswar, on 6th – 7th March, 2012.

Presented a paper titled “Marketing Propositions of Campaign-Based Assistance in Public Healthcare – A Study at Rourkela Government Hospital” at the International Conference on “Marketing in Emerging Markets” held at Rourkela Institute of Management Studies, Rourkela on 6th-8th September, 2009.


Presented a paper titled “A study on the effect of Corporate Governance on Insider Trading” in the Management Doctoral Colloquium at Vinod Gupta School of Management, IIT Kharagpur in February, 2021.

Presented a paper titled “A study on the effect of Corporate Governance on Insider Trading” in the Management Doctoral Colloquium at Vinod Gupta School of Management, IIT Kharagpur in February, 2019.

Presented a paper titled “Effect of Insider Trading on Stock Characteristics of Indian Firms” in the Management Doctoral Colloquium at Vinod Gupta School of Management, IIT Kharagpur in February, 2018.

Presented a paper titled “Retail Debt Market- a work-in-progress,” in the National Seminar on Global Leadership through continuous Innovation organized by IIPM-SoM, Kansbahal in October, 2010.

Conferences attended and Organized

Was the Co-convenor of the 2nd International Conference on Role of Innovation, Entrepreneurship and Management for Sustainable Development organized by School of Management, OPJU in November, 2021.

Attended the NSE-NYU Conference on Indian Financial Markets, 2020.


Participated in the workshop “Research and Data Analysis using SPSS 18 for Effective Managerial Decision,” organised by SPSS South Asia on 22nd July, 2010.

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