^AIU Recognized PGDM courses Equivalent to MBA
Email: tarun.dhingra@jaipuria.ac.in
Location: Jaipuria Noida
Business strategy, Firm performance, Industrial agglomeration (Cluster), Renewable energy, Energy Policy, Sustainability and digitalization, Outcome bases contracts.
Strategic Management, Consulting for Managers, Managing strategic Transformation, Merger & Acquisition, Advance Strategic Analysis.
At present, I am Professor- Strategic Management at Jaipuria Institute of Management, Noida.
Dr Tarun Dhingra has around 25 years of experience in teaching research, and administrative experience, including three years in the industry. These include the School of Business (SoB), UPES, Dehradun, ICSSR doctoral fellow at MNNIT, Prayagraj, and OIMT, Rishikesh.
Dr Dhingra has executed roles involving significant innovation in Curriculum review & design, Accreditation process management (NIRF, NAAC, AACSB, IACBE), IQAC, Outcome-based learning, Course plan and pedagogy (case study)up-gradation, New course launch, Research promotion (funded and non-funded). Dr Tarun has successfully formalized the doctoral research process, structure, conceptualization, and execution of ICMI (International conference on Management of Infrastructure). Dr Tarun has been Associate Dean- Research for more than six-year and has driven research for a large pool ( 90+) of faculty members.
He has helped research scholars in their journey and mentored faculty members to develop manuscripts and publish in leading international refereed publications indexed in ABDC, ABS, SCOPUS, and SCI/SSCI (JCR). Under his leadership as Associate Dean- Research, RPC score increased from around eight to 28.32 in two years (2019-21), helping the university to get NAAC A and NIRF Ranking (2021) – 46 (Management).
Dr Dhingra has nine awarded Doctoral theses as a supervisor. He has authored over 80 research articles, book chapters, conference papers, and proceedings indexed in WoS/SCOPUS.ABDC database.
He has presented “Outcome-based Contract as Firm Reputations for Automation Asset Ownership and Contract Execution” at the prestigious SMS 41st Annual Conference (Toronto), September 18-21, 2021. Strategic Management Society (SMS). He is a known Resource person in UGC refresher course, FDP (SCMS, Cochin, MNNIT), MDP (ASCI), Keynote speaker ( JGS, Sonepat, Doon University etc. He has conducted numerous FDP as convener and MDP as Programme Director.
He is visiting faculty at XLRI, Jhajjar. He has conducted Strategic Management (mainly) & Research methodology classes as part of the certified petroleum manager (CPM) & MBA course for more than 2200 managers for over 50 man-days at various energy companies like OIL, and GSEB, IOC, BPCL, HPCL, etc.
B.Sc, MBA, NET, Ph.D (MNNIT, Prayagraj) as ICSSR Doctoral Fellow
Total: 24.5
Academic: 21.5 Industry: 03
1. R S Velmurugan , Tarun Dhingra (2015) "Maintenance strategy selection and its impact in maintenance function: A conceptual framework", International Journal of Operations & Production Management, Vol. 35 Iss: 12, pp.1622 – 1661, 2021 Impact Factor: 6.629 (JCR) (Emerald), Association of Business School, ABS 4-rated journal, Social Sciences Citation Index, WoS, Q1 list of journal, SJR h-index- 138
2. Dhingra Tarun, Sengar Anita & Sajith Shambhu, “A fuzzy analytic hierarchy process-based analysis for prioritization of barriers to offshore wind energy” in Journal of Cleaner Production, Volume 345, 15 April 2022, 131111, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jclepro.2022.131111
JCR impact factor- 9.297, Q1- WoS (SSCi), Scopus, ABDC- A, ABS-2, SJR h-index- 200
3. Kandpal divik & Dhingra Tarun, “Migrating to Reverse Auction Mechanisms in Wind Energy Sector: Status and Challenges” Volume 156, September 2021, 112352, Energy Policy, Science Citation Index Expanded (SCIe), Social Science Citation Index (SSCI), WoS , JCR impact factor- 6.142, Q1. ABDC- A, ABS-2, DOI 10.1016/j.enpol.2021.112352 Q1 list of journal, SJR h-index- 217
4. Mukherjee Shilpi, Dhingra Tarun, Sengupta, Anirban, “Status of Electricity Act, 2003: A systematic review of literature” Energy Policy, Volume 102, March 2017, Pages 237–248. Science Citation Index Expanded | Social Sciences Citation Index, ABDC- A, (ABS) 2-rated journal, JCR impact factor- 6.142, Q1 list of journal, SJR h-index- 217
5. Mani Swaminathan, Dhingra Tarun “Critique of offshore wind energy policies of the UK and Germany—What are the lessons for India” Energy Policy (Elsevier), Volume 63, December 2013, Pages 900-909 (JCR IF 6.142) ISSN 0301-4215. Science Citation Index Expanded | Social Sciences Citation Index, ABDC- A, WoS, ABS 2-rated journal, Q1 list of journal, SJR h-index- 217
6. Mani Swaminathan, Dhingra Tarun “Offshore Wind Energy Policy for India - Key factors to be considered” in Energy Policy (Elsevier), Vol. 56, May 2013, Pages 672–683 (JCR IF 6.142) ISSN 0301-4215. Science Citation Index Expanded | Social Sciences Citation Index, ABDC- A, WoS, ABS 2-rated journal, Q1 list of journal, SJR h-index- 217
7. Mani Swaminathan, Dhingra Tarun “Policies to accelerate growth of offshore wind energy sector in India” in Renewable and Sustainable energy review (RSER, Elsevier), Volume 24, August 2013, Pages 473–482 (JCR IF 14.982) 2021 (ISSN 1364-0321. Science Citation Index Expanded, WoS, Scopus, Renewable and Sustainable energy review, Q1 list of journal, SJR h-index- 295.
8. Mani Swaminathan, Dhingra Tarun “Diffusion of Innovation model of Consumer Behaviour – Ideas to accelerate adoption of Renewable Energy sources by Consumer Communities in India” in Renewable Energy (Elsevier) 39(1), March, 2012 pp 162-165 (JCR IF 8.001) ISSN 0960-1481. Science Citation Index Expanded, WoS, Q1 list of journal , SJR h-index- 191,
9. Baiju Radhakrishnan, Totakura Bangar Raju and Tarun Dhingra “Cluster Policy: Perspectives on Practices in the Maritime Sector”, 14 (2020) 046–057, International Journal of e-Navigation of Maritime Economy, ISSN / eISSN 2405-5352 (Elsevier, WOS- Emerging Sources Citation Index )
10. Baiju Radhakrishnan, Totakura Bangar Raju and Tarun Dhingra “ Identification of factors affecting Port cluster performance” 13 ,030–042, Dec, 2019, pp 30-42, International Journal of e-Navigation of Maritime Economy, ISSN / eISSN 2405-5352 (Elsevier, WOS- Emerging Sources Citation Index )
ABS 1 and ABDC
11. Divik Kandpal, Anil Kumar, Tarun Dhingra “An overview of wind energy finance in India and the way ahead” accepted for publication in Oil, Gas & Energy Quarterly Journal " Print ISSN: 1096-9195, ABDC category C.
12. Kulshrestha Vishal, Jain Kokil & Dhingra Tarun “Dimensions of Mobile Service Adoption - A Systematic Literature Review” 5 April 2022 in South Asian Journal of Business Studies, Emerald, Vol. ahead-of-print No. ahead-of-print. https://doi.org/10.1108/SAJBS-09-2021-0367 ABDC “C”, ESCI, WoS, Scopus, Q1 ( Scimago)
13. Dhingra Tarun, Singh Tripti & Sinha Ambalika “Location strategy for the competitiveness of Special Economic Zones in India- A generic framework” Competitiveness review (American society of competitiveness), 19(4), 2009, 272-289 ISSN 1059-5422, Emerging Sources Citation Index, WoS, ABS 1-rated journal, SJR h-index- 27, Q2 list of journal
14. Damodaran Akhil, Dhingra Tarun & Dwivedi Prasoom “Stakeholder Perception on the challenges in long term PPP Contracts: A focus group study of Indian PPP Airports” Accepted for publication in September, Int. J. Business Excellence, (Scopus), Scopus (Elsevier) ABS-1, Print ISSN: 1756-0047 Online ISSN: 1756-0055, DOI: 10.1504/IJBEX.2020.10035227, SJR h-index- 18, Q3 list of journal
15. Mittal Ankur & Dhingra Tarun "Stochastic Process for Decision Making in Oil & Gas Field Projects” December, 2020, VOLUME 69, NO. 2 pp-319-336 in the Oil, Gas & Energy Quarterly Journal " Print ISSN: 1096-9195, ABDC category C,
16. Damodaran, A., Shree, D., Singh, P.P., Sagar, M. and Dhingra, T. ‘Factors affecting non-aeronautic revenue in Indian airports: a focus group study of Indian PPP airports’, Int. J. Business Excellence, ABS-1, Accepted (in March, 2020) (Scopus), Scopus (Elsevier), Print ISSN: 1756-0047 Online ISSN: 1756-0055, DOI: 10.1504/IJBEX.2020.10035478, SJR h-index- 18, Q3 list of journal
17. Dhingra Tarun Et Al. “Sustainable procurement for improving project performance for oil and gas projects” International Journal of Procurement Management, 2020 Vol.13 No.2, pp.143 - 179, DOI: 10.1504/IJPM.2020.106555, Available online: 02 Apr 2020, Scopus indexed and Category C in ABDC list and ABS-1, SJR h-index- 21, Q2 list of journal
18. Dhingra Tarun, Yadav Manish, "Recent developments in “Low Cost Carrier” Research: A review" International Journal of Business Excellence, Volume 16, Issue 4 , Nov 18, Print ISSN: 1756-0047 Online ISSN: 1756-0055 pp 427–453. ABDC C, ABS-1, SJR h-index- 18, Q3 list of journal, https://doi.org/10.1504/IJBEX.2018.096213
19. Dhingra Tarun & Singh Tripti “Special Economic Zones- an Indian approach in Foreign Trade Review (journal of IIFT, New Delhi), XLIII, Jan- March, 2009, No. 4, 2009. Emerging Sources Citation Index, WoS, ABS 1-rated journal, h-index- 8
Scopus indexed Journals
20. Prafulla Varhade, Dr. Anil Kumar, Dr. Tarun Dhingra, “Financial Health of MahaDiscom-A Root Cause Analysis” Water and Energy International Journal, Volume 64/RNI, No 5, August 2021, pp-47- 58 ISSN: 0974-4207 E-ISSN: 0974-4711 : Publisher - Central Board of Irrigation and Power - Scopus indexed
21. Prafulla Varhade , Dr. Anil Kumar ,Dr. Tarun Dhingra, Saurabh Barange “Future Policy of Electricity Sector in India: Electricity Amendment Bill 2020” Water and Energy International Journal, Volume 63/RNI, NO. 2 May 2020, pp-15-24 ISSN: 0974-4207 E-ISSN: 0974-4711 : Publisher - Central Board of Irrigation and Power – Scopus indexed
22. Srivastava Rajeev, Dhingra Tarun, “Towards a Model for Effective e-Waste Management: A Study of Software Industry in India” in International Journal of Environment and Waste Management (Inderscience) Scopus indexed. DOI: 10.1504/IJEWM.2021.111905 2021 Vol.27 No.1, pp.61 – 78, SJR h-index- 18, Q4 list of journal
B. Cases written
1. Damodaran, A., Dhingra, T. and Dwivedi, P. (2021), "Regulatory dilemma: a changing dynamics of the Cochin international airport", Emerald Emerging Markets Case Studies, Vol. 11 No. 3. https://doi.org/10.1108/EEMCS-01-2020-0010 ABS 1-rated journal, SJR h-index- 5, Q3 list of journal
2. Ankur Mitta, Dr. Anshul Jain, Dr. Tarun Dhingra “DMart: An Ace in India’s Retail Space” in Emerald Emerging Markets Case Studies (Scopus Indexed), ISSN: 2045-0621 Vol. 11 No. 1. https://doi.org/10.1108/EEMCS-09-2020-0324 Publication date: 21 May 2021, ABS 1-rated journal, SJR h-index- 5, Q3 list of journal
3. Damodaran Akhil, Tripathi Rajesh, Dhingra Tarun, “ Jewer Airport- A Jittered Jewel” (Case) with reference 318-0118-1, July 2018, https://www.thecasecentre.org/educators/submission/portfolioProduct?&id=152815
4. Tripathi Rajesh, Damodaran Akhil, Dhingra Tarun, “Vodafone-Idea merger: ideating for consolidation”, 2017/5/25, CASE - Reference no. 317-0166-1, http://www.thecasecentre.org/main/products/view?id=143636
5. N. Bhanu Prakash, Dr. Tarun Dhingra, Dr. T. Bangar Raju “Cost Assessment and tariff determination: Cargo handling experiences at a private port” Case code- 115-014-8, the case center, 2015. https://www.thecasecentre.org/products/view?id=126691
6. Dhingra Tarun, Singh Navdeep & Raju T. B " Essar Ltd.: Strategic CSR Leading to Sustainability” written for SBM Case Writing Contest’ organized & sponsored by MART in association with GIZ , 7 case writing proposals were accepted out of 36.
C. Books Published
1. Dr. R. S. Velmurugan & Dr. Tarun Dhingra “Asset Maintenance Management in Industry: A Comprehensive Guide to Strategies, Practices and Benchmarking” Published 30 May 2021 from Springer International Publishing, 2021. ISBN 978-3-030-74153-2, Volume 310 of International Series in Operations Research & Management Science https://www.springer.com/gp/book/9783030741532 , Scopus indexed.
2. Dr. Tarun Dhingra, Mr. Akhil Damodaran, Dr. Rajesh Tripathi, Mr. Vikas Kumar “Strategic Management of Technology and Innovation” ISBN: 978-81-945077-9-6, CCE, UPES, Dehradun
Books edited- Two
3. Business Environment of Infrastructure: Challenges and Way Forward, Conference Proceedings of International Conference on Management of Infrastructure (ICMI) 2017, Editor: Tarun Dhingra, Ph.D. E Book ISBN: 978-1-63535-614-4
4. Energy Infrastructure and Transportation “Challenges and Way Forward”- Conference Proceedings of International Conference on Management of Infrastructure (ICMI) – 2016, Editor Dr. Tarun Dhingra, Ph.D., E-Book ISBN: 978-194343889-1, 2016
ICSSR doctoral fellowship (2007), Five times “The best paper award” at different reputed platforms i.e. international conferences and doctoral colloquium-IIM Ahmedabad, IISc, Bangalore, DMS, IIT Roorkee, K J Somaiya Institute of Management Studies and Research, Mumbai, and SCMS, Cochin.
At present, I am an advisor- Blockchain For Productivity Forum https://www.linkedin.com/company/blockchainforproductivity/