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Prof. Uttam Chakraborty

Assistant Professor
Chairperson PGDM(Retail Management)

Location: Jaipuria Lucknow

Consumer Behavior, Marketing Management, Integrated Marketing Communications

Prof. Uttam Chakraborty is a Ph.D. and MBA in Marketing from the School of Management, National Institute of Technology Karnataka. He is working as an Assistant Professor at Jaipuria Institute of Management Lucknow. He worked as Assistant Professor at Symbiosis Institute of Business Management (SIBM) Pune for almost two and half years.

Prof. Uttam Chakraborty has published in top-ranked International journals, for example, International Journal of Contemporary Hospitality Management, Journal of Research in Interactive Marketing, Journal of Promotion Management, Management Research Review, Global Business Review, and International Journal of Internet Marketing and Advertising.

He also reviews papers for journals like Journal of Business Research, Journal of Promotion Management, Journal of Research in Interactive Marketing, Marketing Intelligence, and Planning, Asia Pacific Journal of Marketing and Logistics, International Journal of Contemporary Hospitality Management, Information Technology & People, Internet Research etc.

His management cases were accepted in Sage Business Cases. He also publishes in popular media such as Telegraph, Deccan Chronicle, The Pioneer, The Asian Age, Sakal Times, and Dailyhunt.

LinkedIn: Google Scholar:

PhD (Marketing)

Chakraborty, U., & Biswal, S. K. (2021). Psychological Empowerment of Women Entrepreneurs: A Netnographic Study on Twitter. Management Research Review, (), pp .( )

Jose, A., Rejikumar, G., Asokan Ajitha, A., Mathew, S., & Chakraborty, U. (2022). Destination image and perceived meaningfulness for visitor loyalty: A strategic positioning of Indian destinations. Tourism Recreation Research, 1–20.( )

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