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Prof. Varda Sardana

Assistant Professor

Location: Jaipuria Noida

Finance and Accounting

Varda Sardana is a dynamic and multifaceted individual who dons multiple hats. A graduate from Shri Ram College of Commerce and post graduate from the Delhi School of Economics, University of Delhi, Varda is pursuing her Ph.D. from the University of Delhi, specializing in the field of finance and banking. After a five-year service as an Assistant Professor at Shri Ram College of Commerce, University of Delhi, Varda is currently working as an Assistant Professor at Jaipuria Institute of Management, Noida. Passionate about teaching, Varda is not only dedicated to her role as an educator but has also contributed significantly to academic research. Her research articles have been published in ABDC listed and Scopus indexed journals. She has also presented her papers at national and international conferences such as at IIM Indore, Kyung Hee University (Seoul, South Korea), Nepal Rashtra Bank (Kathmandu, Nepal) to name a few. On the social front, she has served at various leadership positions at Rotaract, the youth wing of Rotary International, and is the former head of Rotaract Delhi-NCR district. Her passion for humanitarian causes led her to mobilize the youth and initiate district-wide projects on various issues such as hair donation for cancer patients, literacy for the underprivileged kids, skill development for women, and extensive efforts for COVID-19 relief during the second wave of the pandemic. Her six years of relentless contributions to community service and youth development made her the recipient of the prestigious Paul Harris Fellowship by Rotary International as well as accolades from Rotaract South Asia and Rotary District Governors. Additionally, she has demonstrated her entrepreneurial spirit by founding ‘Mini Delights’, a bootstrapped startup that offers personalized gifting solutions. Outside of her professional and entrepreneurial pursuits, Varda is a two times TEDx Speaker and an avid reader, particularly fond of fiction. Over the past six years, she has delivered motivational sessions, leveraging her experiences and insights to inspire others. Drawing from her rich experiences in the education sector, non-profit organizations, and leadership roles, she takes great pleasure in engaging in on-the-ground interactions with diverse communities.

Ph.D. (pursuing); M.Phil (Finance); M.Com; B.Com (H)

Experience: 5 years
Academic: 5 years

Published a co-authored research paper on ‘Impact of Board Composition on Bank Performance: Evidence from the Indian Banking Sector’ in the journal “Prabandhan: Indian Journal of Management” (Vol 15, Issue 11, Pages 8-23, doi: 10.17010/pijom/2022/v15i11/172520) in 2022. Journal listing: Scopus Indexed.

Published a co-authored research paper on ‘Corporate Governance and Risk Management: A Bibliometric Mapping for Future Research Agenda’ in the journal “Indian Journal of Corporate Governance”, published by SAGE Publications (Vol 15, Issue 2, Pages 223-255; doi: 10.1177/09746862221126351) in 2022. Journal listing: ABDC-C and Scopus Indexed.

Published a co-authored research paper on ‘Fifty Years of Research in Deposit Insurance: A Bibliometric Analysis and Review’ in the journal “FIIB Business Review”, published by SAGE Publications (doi: 10.1177/23197145221116455, ISSN: 2319-7145, Online ISSN: 2455-2658) in 2022. Journal listing: ABDC-C and Scopus Indexed.

Published a co-authored research paper on ‘Deposit Insurance and Banking Risk in India: Empirical Evidence on the Role of Moral Hazard’ in the journal “MUDRA: Journal of Accounting and Finance” (Vol. 8, Issue 2, Pages 79-94; doi:10.17492/jpi.mudra.v8i2.822105) in 2021.

Published a co-authored research paper on ‘Motivational Factors that Influence Choosing Teaching as a Career: A FIT-Choice Study of Preservice and Inservice Teachers in India’ in the journal “Universitepark Bulletin” (Vol 10, Issue 2, Pages 157-170, Print ISSN: 2147-351X, Online ISSN: 2564-8039; doi: 10.22521/unibulletin.2021.102.4) in 2021.

Published a co-authored research paper on ‘Does Gender Diversity on Board Promote Corporate Social Responsibility? An Empirical Analysis of Sustainable Development Goals’ in the journal “Australasian Accounting, Business and Finance Journal”, published by the University of Wollongong, Australia (Vol 15, Issue 5, Pages 22-40, Print ISSN: 1834-2000, Online ISSN: 1834-2019; doi:10.14453/aabfj.v15i5.3) in 2021. Journal listing: ABDC-B and Scopus Indexed.

Published a co-authored research paper on ‘Does Corporate Social Responsibility affect Corporate Financial Performance? A Myth or a Reality’ in the journal “Business Analyst”, published by Emerald (Vol 42, Issue 1, Pages 71-100, ISSN 0973-211X) in 2021.

Published a co-authored chapter on the topic ‘Relationship between Corporate Social Responsibility and Financial Performance: Review and Theoretical Synthesis’ in the book "New Paradigms in Management", published by Bloomsbury (ISBN: 978-93-54355-19-6) in 2021.

Published a co-authored research paper on ‘Deposit Insurance Coverage Limit: How Much is Enough? Evidence from India’ in the journal “Indian Journal of Finance and Banking” (Vol. 4, Issue 4; Pages 66-83, Print ISSN 2574-6081, E-ISSN 2574-609X, doi:10.46281/ijfb.v4i4.912) in 2019. Journal listing: ABDC-C.

Published a co-authored chapter on the topic ‘Impact of Internationalization on Financial Performance: A Study of Family and Non-Family Firms’ in the book "Advances in Management Research: Innovation and Technology" published by CRC Press (Taylor and Francis group, ISBN-13 978-0-367-22688-6), in 2019.

Published a co-authored research paper on ‘Do Women on Boards Affect Firm's Financial Performance? Evidence from Indian IPO Firms’ in the journal “Australasian Accounting, Business and Finance Journal” published by the University of Wollongong, Australia (Vol 13, Issue 2, Pages 53-68, Print ISSN: 1834-2000; Online ISSN: 1834-2019; doi:10.14453/aabfj.v13i2.4) in 2019. Journal listing: ABDC-B and Scopus Indexed.

Published a co-authored research paper on ‘Digital Technology in the Realm of Banking: A Review of Literature’ in the journal “International Journal of Research in Finance and Management” (Vol 1, Issue 2, Pages 28-32, Print ISSN: 2617-5754, Electronic ISSN: 2617-5762) in 2018.

Achievements and Awards


Received the Best Paper Presentation Award for paper titled ‘30 Years of Research in Electronic Banking: The Past, Present and Future’ presented at the International conference on Digitalization- The future of finance, organized by SGTB Khalsa College (2022).

Received the Best Paper Presentation Award for paper titled ‘Do Women on Boards Affect Financial Performance?’ presented at the INBUSH Era World Summit 2019, organized by AMITY University (2019).

Qualified the UGC NET-JRF in Commerce with All India Rank (AIR) 8 in 2017.


Delivered a TEDx Talk at TEDxFIIB on 9th April 2022, on the theme “Include All, Grow Tall.” Link of TEDx talk:

Delivered a TEDx Talk at TEDxIIM Amritsar on 8th October 2022, on the theme “Embracing Failures”. Link of TEDx talk:

Served as the District Rotaract Representative (DRR) of Rotary International District 3012 (Delhi-NCR), in 2020-21. Supervised multiple community service, professional development, fellowship and peace-building projects as well activities, while organizing leadership programs for 2200+ youngsters in Delhi NCR. Recognized as an Outstanding DRR at the Rotaract South Asian Level.

Honored with the Paul Harris Fellow (PHF) by President of Rotary Foundation, Rtn. Barry Rassin in 2019, in appreciation of significant assistance for furtherance of better understanding and friendly relations among peoples of the world.

Served as the District Rotaract Joint Secretary of Rotary International District 3012 (Delhi-NCR), in 2018-19. Managed the administration and reporting of the entire district comprising of 50+ Rotaract Clubs. Recognized as an Outstanding District Rotaract Secretary at the Rotaract South Asian Level.

Served as the Zonal Rotaract Representative of Rotary International District 3012 in 2017-18. Facilitated the smooth functioning and working of the North Zone of District comprising of about 10 clubs. Awarded as the Best Zonal Rotaract Representative in the entire District.

Served as the President of Rotaract Club of Department of Commerce, Delhi School of Economics in 2016-17. Led a team of about 150 members & supervised various community service projects, and represented the club at the Rotary International District level. Awarded as the Best Institution-based Rotaract Club, Best President of an Institution-based Rotaract Club, and Governor’s Best Rotaractor (Female) Award in Rotary International District 3012 (Delhi NCR).

Professional Visits and Resource Person

Invited as a resource person by St. Claret University, Bangalore to deliver a workshop on ‘Leadership in Modern Times’ on 2nd April 2023.

Invited as a resource person by Human Resource Development Cell, SRCC for taking a MasterClass on ‘How to Write a Research Paper’ on 19th January 2023.

Invited as a resource person by Wealthy and Wise Club of High School Moms to speak on the topic ‘Beginning to build basics (Finance)’ on 18th September 2022.

Invited as a resource person to speak on the topic ‘The Art of Writing a Research Paper’ at the Marketing Conclave of Mark-haven, The Marketing Society of Shaheed Rajguru College of Applied Sciences, University of Delhi on 15th September 2022.

Invited as a resource person for the 5 Day Financial Literacy Bootcamp, to deliver a session on the topic ‘Fundamentals of Personal Finance' organized by GirlUp Aasaira on 7th February 2022.

Invited as a resource person to speak on the topic ‘Take Control of your money: From theory to practice' organized by Media Cell, Department of Commerce, University of Delhi on 26th February 2022.

Invited as a resource person for the GIS Workshop, to speak on the topic ‘How to write a Research Paper’ organized by Fortune Institute of International Business, Delhi on 25th February 2022.

Invited as a resource person for the AICTE Training and Learning (ATAL) Academy sponsored FDP on "Dynamics and Complexities of HR Practices in Higher educational institutions", to speak on the topic ‘Individual Behaviour and Social Psychology’, organized by NIPER Hyderabad on 5th October 2021.

Invited as a resource person for the AICTE Training and Learning (ATAL) Academy sponsored FDP on "Dynamics and Complexities of HR Practices in Higher educational institutions", to tale a session on the topic ‘Leadership in Modern Times’, organized by NIPER Hyderabad on 2nd October 2021.

Invited as a resource person to speak on the topic ‘Writing a research paper: How to get started?’ by Students’ Quality Assurance Cell, SRCC on 30th September 2021.

Invited as a resource person to speak on the topic ‘Pursuing a Career in Teaching’, organized by Plan-T on 7th August 2021.

Invited as a resource person for the AICTE Training and Learning (ATAL) Academy sponsored 5-Day FDP on "Emerging Paradigms in Organisational Behaviour", to take a session on the topic ‘Behavioural Aspects in Organisational Behaviour’, organized by SRCC on 9th July 2021.

Invited as a resource person to speak on the topic ‘Paradigm Shift in Education’ by the Aspirant India Initiative on 15th December 2020.

Invited as a resource person for the MHRD-sponsored Annual Refresher Programme in Teaching (ARPIT) Commerce, to create a video lecture on the topic ‘Cognitive Biases in Decision Making’, organized by SRCC, University of Delhi in 2019-20.

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