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Prof. Yogesh Agarwal

Distinguished Professor

Location: Jaipuria Lucknow

Operations research, game theory, computer simulation, and network modeling.

Prof. Yogesh Agarwal is working as a Distinguished Professor with India's top MBA/Management College in Lucknow named Jaipuria Institute of Management. He holds a Ph.D. in Operations Research from Case Western Reserve University, Cleveland, USA, a post-graduate diploma in Industrial Engineering from NITIE, Mumbai, and a B.E. in Chemical Engineering from the University of Roorkee (now IIT Roorkee).

He joined Jaipuria Institute of  Management after retiring from IIM Lucknow having served there more than 30 years. Prior to joining IIM Lucknow, he has also worked at AT&T Bell Laboratories, Holmdel, New Jersey, and Leaseway Transportation Corp., Cleveland.

His research interests include integer programming, combinatorial optimization, polyhedral theory, vehicle routing problems, and telecommunications network optimization. He has about 20 publications in international journals including some in FT-50 and A* category journals.

His teaching areas include operations research, game theory, computer simulation, and network modeling.

He is a recipient of the Distinguished Member of Technical Staff award of AT&T Bell Laboratories, and five times recipient of the Best Faculty Award of IIM Lucknow.

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Agarwal, Y., Aneja, Y. P., & Jayaswal, S. (2021). Directed fixed charge multicommodity network design: A cutting plane approach using polar duality. European Journal of Operational Research, 299(1), pp 118-136.


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