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Government of Bhutan conducts 2nd MDP on Effective Construction Management for Senior Engineers and Chief Managers

Government of Bhutan conducts 2nd MDP on Effective Construction Management for Senior Engineers and Chief Managers

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Bangkok, 29 Oct 2015. In continuation with it’s drive toward a more robust infrastructure, Ministry of Bhutan concluded a 3-day Management Development Programme for it’s top executives of the department of Construction of Monasteries and Fort (administrative buildings). Held between the 26th and 28th of October in Bangkok, the Institute of Management Studies (IMS) Bhutan, roped in the prominent Indian management institute, Jaipuria Institute of Management, to deliver the MDP on Effective Construction Management. A total of 15 Senior Engineers and Chief Managers of the Ministry of Construction of Monasteries and Fort, Bhutan, participated in the MDP.

This is the 5th MDP that Jaipuria Institute of Management has conducted for the Ministry of Bhutan. Earlier this year, in March 2015, another MDP for Bhutan on Project Management was conducted in Mumbai. Based on the positive feedback from that MDP – both in terms of building a copious knowledge-base as well on-ground implementation value – the Government of Bhutan and IMS, Bhutan has continued its relationship with Jaipuria Institute of Management as an intellectual partner in conduct of training for government officials.

“Bhutan is a unique country,” said Dr. Nidhi Vashisht, coordinator of the MDP for Jaipuria Institute of Management. “The first MDP with Bhutan, held earlier this year, was in Mumbai. The purpose was to give a first-hand view of how mammoth projects are envisioned, undertaken, and delivered. Various models of project and finance management were studied and shown on ground. This time around the purpose of the MDP was more focussed. We studied various countries and hit upon Thailand as one that has similarities to the Bhutanese sensibilities and culture. The Senior Engineers and Chief Managers of the Ministry of Construction of Monasteries and Fort, Bhutan, were given perspective on how infrastructure in Bangkok was blending traditional monastery and temples with modern building techniques.”

To put things in perspective, Jaipuria Institute of Management brought in one of its empanelled experts, Mr.K.N Rai, Former Chief Executive (Civil Works & Estates) and Advisor (SP), Defence Research & Development Organization, Ministry of Defence. A veteran in traditional modernity and restoration work, Mr. Rai’s rich experience and expertise proved to be a key reason for the success of program. Broadly, the MDP covered topics like Construction logistics and Resource Management, Site Organization & Management, Construction Safety , Risk Management in Infrastructure Projects ,Construction Quality Management , Construction and Environment , Project Appraisal systems , Scope of Work and Project Delivery , Alternative Dispute Resolution Mechanisms , Payments, Liens and Securitization etc.

“The government of Bhutan wanted to expose their key officials to the state-of-the-art development in Bangkok,” amplified Dr. Vashishth. “The program had site visits across Thailand, as a part of course coverage, so that participants could witness the architectural wonders. As the academic partner to Training programs sourced by IMS Bhutan specifically with regards to Government Training requirements, the mandate of the International MDP team of Jaipuria Institute of Management was very clear. We wanted that participants take back global trends to their country and fuel the development of Bhutan.”

Pre-eminent for creating sustainable educational institutions since 1945, Jaipuria Group ventured into management education in 1995, and has ever since been recognised for quality management education and its prominent alumni spread across the corporate world. The Jaipuria Group of Institutes are known for advanced student and faculty exchange programme with academic partners spread across the globe – from University of Illinois, and Eastern Mennonite University, in the USA, to Universities of Applied Sciences in Finland (Europe), to University of New Castle in Australia.

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