Jaipurians unanimously carry a true blue feature in them- they don’t give up easy. Summer Internships are one such testing time when your go-getter attitude decides a lot for you. While some revel amidst challenges other buckle under pressure. Garvit Kumar Shah had to cover over 400 new outlets in sweltering Jaipur, as he interned with a renowned brand like Wagh Bakri. But like a true blue Jaipurian he has not learnt to give up easy. Result? He came through the internship with flying colors.
What was Garvit’s internship all about?
A study on the analysis of tea industry in India was the theme of Garvit’s internship project. He received a handsome stipend of Rs. 42,000 for his efforts, which included covering markets in Jaipur, Ajmer and Sikar. Talking about the experience he says, “I would start my day by visiting retailers and end it with wet sampling of tea outside shops, societies and corporates. I also had to maintain a Daily Sales Report, which was an everyday summary of things.”
All is never well at an internship. If all is easy and cakewalk, you are not at the right internship. How was Garvit’s summer amazingly challenging?
Garvit asserts that during his SIP not only did he have to battle the heat but time constraints as well. But it imbibed time management skills in him along with the practical knowledge of the industry he received every step of the way. He highlights his takeaways from the SIP. “Now I have an idea of how companies work and what a corporate job requires. I can deal with customers, retailers and have become more mature towards work,” he says beamingly.
What has been Garvit’s key takeaways from a Sales profile?
While Garvit has learnt professionalism while being ‘on the job’ he also admits that having to deal with tricky situations has made him more patient. He calls getting a firsthand knowledge of actual sales in general trade a huge value addition to his future career. “I realize the importance of research and sampling. I learned about arranging a work schedule to deliver on time. I can rely on this learning in my professional life,” he says confidently.
You can notice the transformation in Garvit post the internship. While Jaipuria Institute of Management, Jaipur had already led him on the road to be a professional, the SIP has fast tracked his growth. Ask him for the tricks he had up his sleeve to perform during the internship and he says with a smile, “You need to be responsible, manage your time well. Take on any task that is given to you and always report to the representative. SIPs are filled with learning experiences, make the most of them.”