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Industrial tour to Tata Motors for Jaipuria Lucknow students.

Industrial tour to Tata Motors for Jaipuria Lucknow students.

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Students of the regular PGDM, PGDM – Financial Services and PGDM – Retail Management courses of Jaipuria Lucknow visited the Tata Motors Plant at Chinhat, Lucknow, for the 7th consecutive year. As a part of their industrial interface programme, the would-be managers at Jaipuria Lucknow took management tips from professionals at Tata Motors and observed the globally acclaimed corporate manufacturing practices of Tata Motors.
The youngsters from Jaipuria Lucknow were shown all the action in the Chinhat plant, from production plans for the day, stock and raw materials storage and movement and inventory control, to supply chain management. The heads of various departments briefed the students from Jaipuria Lucknow and answered their questions patiently. The future managers were also exposed to the world-renowned Tata Motors methodology of Lean Production i.e. procurement of raw materials in small lots from nearby vendors.
“As an HR student, for me the most interesting part of the visit was talking to HR executives of the Chinhat plant about the challenges of labour allocation at various work stations, issues-resolution in the huge plant, best manufacturing practices and safety measures adopted during the production run,” says Harsha Mishra, a second year student.
During the visit, the Jaipuria students also had the opportunity to interact with the top management of Tata Motors, Lucknow, on the factory floor. The entire initiative, led by Professor Vinod Kumar Chib from the Operations Management department of Jaipuria Lucknow, was quite successful.
Over these seven years of association, the bond between the Chinhat Plant of Tata Motors and Jaipuria Lucknow has become stronger. Senior managers from Tata Motors visit the Jaipuria Lucknow campus to interact with the students and faculty on a regular basis, with the most recent visit being that of Mr. Tribhuvan Kumar, AGM. Mr. C. V. Singh, Executive Vice President (Operations) often finds time to come to Jaipuria Lucknow and share his experiences in the Lucknow plant as well as his earlier experiences in Tata-Daewoo Motors Limited, Korea. Mr. Alok Saxena, Plant in-charge, Lucknow, has also inspired students of Jaipuria Lucknow through his visits and conversations.
It is expected that students of Jaipuria Lucknow will continue benefiting from the wisdom of Tata Motors professionals, and be inspired to do well in their corporate careers.

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