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Industry Interface session with Mr. Subodh Shrivastava and Mr. Aksh Joshi of Kirloskar Brothers Ltd. was an enlightening experience for Jaipuria Indore students

Industry Interface session with Mr. Subodh Shrivastava and Mr. Aksh Joshi of Kirloskar Brothers Ltd. was an enlightening experience for Jaipuria Indore students

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Aman Kumar
Batch 2012-2014
Jaipuria Institute of Management has always worked to find a balance between theoretical and practical education for its students. The fact is well reflected in the Industry Interface Sessions that it conducts all across its campuses, helping students learn from the experience of industry stalwarts. One such session was held at Jaipuria Indore on 28th August. Mr. Subodh Shrivastava (Vice President and Business Head) and Mr. Aksh Joshi (Associate Manager) from Kirloskar Brothers Ltd. were guest lecturers for the event.

The corporate head honchos offered their audience valuable insights into management concepts and shared their experiences with students. According to student Nikita Gaur, “It was a unique experience because we got to learn from the best. Listening to them was inspiring, and it opened our eyes about how things function in the corporate world.”

Mr. Shrivastava stressed on the importance of keeping up with pattern changes in business and encouraged students to be aware of their core competencies. Nikita recalls, “He also asked us to be true to our SWOT analysis. He helped us understand the importance of action words and verbs, and how careful we should be about using them.” Mr. Shrivastava also emphasised the value of living up to one’s words and performing accordingly.

When it came to being one step ahead of competitors, Mr. Shrivastava had smart advice for everyone present there. He talked about the JBT – Just Before Time – approach, which seemed to have resonated with students who already face competition in their present learning environment. ‘Push and Pull’ market strategies and the ‘Buyer Market’ scenario were some of the other concepts he elaborated on during his talk.

Meanwhile, Associate Manager Mr. Aksh Joshi focussed on Marketing and Distribution strategies. He talked about his own experiences and strategies that were implemented in his organisation to boost the Supply Chain network. He also focussed on ways he offered incentives to channel partners through the “Anmol Rishtey” programme, retailers through the “Kirloskar Family Bonanza” and influencers through the “Captain Bonanza” programme.

By talking about these real strategies used by his company, Mr. Joshi made his talk lively and more relatable for the students. The guest lecturers then moved on to discussing the newly launched Storm Android apps to offer students further insights. These apps scan their complete network, business channels and services, and ensure that relevant data is instantly received. Replacement issues and damaged materials are also looked into with the help of this app.

These are new age techniques used by corporates today and students benefited immensely by knowing more about them. Mr. Shrivastava and Mr. Joshi also had helpful answers to questions students raised about impending placements and things they needed to do to start their future careers on the right note.

This exciting, inspiring and enlightening evening was concluded by Dr. Romy Sainy, faculty of Marketing at Jaipuria Indore, and the students went back a lot richer in experience.

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