Jaipuria Institute of Management enthusiastically motivates its students to engage in activities that give them a strong grounding for their skills and knowledge that can be applied to their respective corporate life in the future. For those students who participated in the Young Enterprise Mentorship Program (Chisel) Programme believed it to be an “excellent learning experience”.
Under the Chisel program, students interact directly with industry, working on live projects for about 15 days per trimester along with peer, industry and faculty mentors.
This direct hands-on experience in industry allows students to put their classroom learning to the test with practical experience, helping turn them into management professionals.
Pooja Tripathi said her time spent at Phinnacle Investment helped her a lot “in terms of communicating professionally and expressing yourself in a confident manner. I experienced the practical corporate scenario and work- life balance in which I had to manage my academics with my project under Chisel.”
Doing his Young Enterprise Mentorship project at Splash India, a human relations consulting firm was “a very practical and learning-based experience,” said NishchayJamwale.
“The most important thing which I learned during the complete course is that it is very important for any organization to have all the processes in place and they should be transparently shared with the employees.”
Assigned a company to work with Jamwale said: “I was involved in conducting motivational workshops for the employees and introducing the concept of fun at work.
“I conducted a lot of games and activities at the work place,” he said. “This got a very positive response from all the employees. I also conducted a small survey on employee satisfaction within the company.”
As for his mentor at Splash India, Ruchi Bhasin, he found her to be helpful, supportive and “a very dynamic personality with a vast experience in the industry. The vision she has about the company and employees is amazing.”
If there were one thing he would change about the YEMP program it would be the name. “I would change the name of the program to Young Entrepreneurship Training Program,” said Jamwale, “because the perception and expectations from the company become very high when they listen to the name mentorship.”
Seemanchal Dagra’s industry interface experience took him to Packaging Bazaar, a company dealing with industrial, commercial and household packaging needs.
From his mentor at the company, Subhash Chaturvedi, an entrepreneur in the Indore area, he says he learned a lot about entrepreneurship.
“Working with this company,” said Dagra, “I learned a lot – like public relations, being alert always about the field of business, being always creative and trying to fulfil the objective of the company.”
YEMP Chisel initiative has given the Jaipuria Indore students a foundation to understand and analyse the corporate life