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J. D. Singh Sir is My Idol

J. D. Singh Sir is My Idol

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I am a first year student, absolutely inspired by Dr. JD Singh, Director General, Jaipuria-Noida. All of us look for someone to look up to, someone to idolise. At Jaipuria-Noida, I found my idol. An effluent academician, he has served as IFCI Chair Professor of International Business and as a member of faculty of IMI Delhi, IIM Bangalore, XLRI Jamshedpur, Administrative Staff College of India, Hyderabad and the Delhi University. A Summer Visiting Faculty at McGill University, Montreal, his academic achievements are completely overshadowed by his inspiring character.

Although initially I did not believe it when someone said that the people who reach the top are great because they are humble and gracious, yet after having met Dr. Singh, all my doubts stand erased. His personality is a strong embodiment of the fact that humility, grace and success go hand-in-hand.

I feel that Director General JD Singh is similar to the Late Steve Jobs – extremely influential and exceptionally passionate about his work. Even though I haven’t got many opportunities of interaction with him, he has made a huge impact on me during the single, short talk I had with him. He patiently discussed and strategized about my future plans and aspirations and gave my concerns a patient hearing and left a profound impact on me. Thanks to Sir, my conviction in myself has increased manifold.

Sir’s speeches are the most rousing – be it on academics, social issues, or an address to the crowd in general. They make us rethink our motives and encourage us to dream big and dream strong.
His patent reply to a ‘Thank you’ is that the pleasure is all his. His zeal is motivating, his presence is electrifying. The ever-smiling face of Sir epitomizes his magnanimous personality which is forever an object of positivity for each of us.

Dr. Singh is like a candle who continues to light the lives of the many students who get to come under his well-regarded guidance. I am honoured to be a part of Jaipuria, mainly due to the fact that this is where I got to meet my idol and mentor.

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