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Jaipuria Indore’s 2nd Convocation is a Rousing Success!

Jaipuria Indore’s 2nd Convocation is a Rousing Success!

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On 31st August, 2014, Jaipuria Institute of Management, Indore, hosted its 2nd annual convocation ceremony amidst a lot of excitement for the batch of 2012-14. Shri Shankat Lalwani,Chairman of IDA, Indore and a pass out from IIT Mumbai, was the guest of honor at the convocation. The ceremony began with a welcome speech by the host of the evening, Prof. Aditi Naidu, followed by the academic procession led by Dr. Jitendra Kumar Mishra, Dean of Academics. The convocation was declared open by Shri Shared Jaipuria, Chairman of Board of Governors and Jaipuria Institute of Management, after the ceremonial lamp invoking Goddess Sawarswati was lit by the dignitaries gracing the occasion.

Shri Shreevats Jaipuria, Vice Chairman, Jaipuria Institute of Management, congratulated the graduating students and shared his own life experiences with them. He spoke about the transition from student to corporate life, the balance of personal life and stressed upon the importance of hard work to reach the pinnacle of success. On the occasion, a souvenir was released by the guests followed by the sharing of the annual report by the Dean of Academics, Prof.Mishra. In his report, he highlighted the unique teaching methodology of the institute, along with the Faculty Development Programmes (FDPs), workshops, conclaves, seminars, mentorship, Industrial Mentorship Programme, student councils and committee formation that have ensured the ongoing success of the institute. Thereafter, Post Graduate Diplomas in Management were conferred upon the successful candidates of the full-time PGDM program by Shri Sharad Jaipuria.

Over eighty voices chanted the following oath in unison as Chairman of the Board of Governors administered it to the post graduating students :“I hereby solemnly pledge that I shall in thought, words and deed, endeavour to be worthy of the PGDM diploma conferred on me”. The students were felicitated with Post Graduation degrees as well as Director’s medals. Amrita Varshney won the Director’s gold medal, Taniya Lal bagged the Director’s silver medal, and Sanyukta Sinha was the Bronze Medallist. Award mementos and merit certificates were awarded to the candidates who stood first in their field of specialization during the PGDM program. Amrita Varshney, the top student of Class 2014, addressed the gathering, expressing her delight and gratitude.

Shri Shankat Lalwani, in his address to the students, said, “It’s the surrounding that shapes the overall personality of a student.” He also laid emphasis upon the adaptability one needs to develop in the industry.

The Chairman also spoke to the students about the life awaiting them and advised, “Be optimistic, believe in yourself, be hardworking,and remember there are no shortcuts to achieve success”. He then presented a memento to the Chief Guest, Shri Shankar Lalwani. The event was closed by Dr. Pankaj Gupta, Director General, Jaipuria Institute of management, with a vote of thanks.

Jaipuria Institute of Management takes prides in its performance and placement figures that have resulted in rich careers for its alumni. In fact, the institute registered a 98% placement for its 2012-14 batch. Jaipuria Indore experienced a neat 100% placement for the year. An institute that builds strong managers, Jaipuria Institute of Management makes an indelible impression on its students. “The two years we spent at Jaipuria are unforgettable. Coming back here again for the convocation ceremony, after we have completed our studies felt as if we were returning home. The years spent here were rich with memorable experiences and wonderful moments that we will cherish throughout our lives,” stated students, emotionally, who received their post-graduate degrees in Management from the Indore campus.

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