Finance will always be in demand. Understanding money, investing it wisely and creating wealth forclients is as rewarding as it is challenging. Ashish Pandey is on top of the world today. He has been placed with UCO Bank and is all set to be the best that he can be.
Groomed by the excellent Finance faculty at Jaipuria – Noida, Pandey finds he is a transformed person. “I learnt many great things and found the courage to initiate many things, thanks to the faculty. They are very good and have groomed me really well,” he says. Today facts and figures are on his fingertips. “Yes, they are. We have surprise quizzes and competitions. I believe in being prepared and did many things other than finance which I really enjoyed.” His metamorphosis has been remarkable. A reserved person, when he joined Jaipuria Institute of Management Noida, he spoke a lot less than he does today. He was even less confident of speaking in public. But Jaipuria-Noida faculty pushed him. Every student had to present PPTs and speak inpublic. Now, an un-reserved Pandey enjoys presenting PPTs the most. Well, you never know what lurks beneath a shy exterior.
“Actually, there is a reason. Initially, all these things were new to me. I knew I had it in me, but needed to explore myself. Jaipuria Noida gave me the opportunity and I grabbed it.” Yes, Ashish, there are no second chances.
At Jaipuria Noida he learnt hands on. The industry experience here is priceless. “Because when wego out there we meet the people who are actually working in the industry. They know the ground realities. By training there, we are able to see the practicalities,” he observes.
Working in the Finance Department of UCO Bank was that invaluable opportunity Pandey dreamt of. His career in finance is set.
His two years at Jaipuria Noida have flown past and Ashish is nostalgic about the time he spent under its wings. “I am sad that I will be leaving my friends, my college. We have done many great things together,” he says.
His advice to his juniors is that there are no shortcuts to hard work. It is the only route to success. To future finance professionals, he says, “Choose Jaipuria, Noida if you are serious about a career in finance. The faculty is great and the education is awesome.” And he should know.