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Kick Start your career with India's best Management Institute

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Jaipuria Noida’s 6th Annual Convocation: A memorable occasion

Jaipuria Noida’s 6th Annual Convocation: A memorable occasion

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Chief Guest at Jaipuria Institute of Management, Noida, Mr. Sachit Jain, Executive Director Vardhman Textiles Ltd and Management Author delivered the convocation address to the enthusiastic gathering.
Jaipuria Institute of Management, Noida hosted their Sixth Annual Convocation Ceremony on Tuesday, May 15, 2012 for graduating students of PGDM, PGDM Services and PGDM Marketing of 2010-12 batches. The convocation was formally inaugurated with the ceremonial lightening of the lamp and Saraswati Vandana.
Dr. J.D. Singh, Director General, Jaipuria, Noida, in his welcome address, gave the students two very valuable tips. “Have hunger to leave a mark in this world. Do something that others haven’t done before. Innovate. Dare to disagree if you want to be different. Being different is easy. Being distinctive is not. Be both.”
Dr. Singh’s second tip was, “Be happy. Have a sense of humour. Love people, smile with them, and enable them to laugh from within. Ultimately, it is not the strategy, but the people who matter.”
Mr. Sachit Jain’s speech, loaded with humour, began with an interesting observation right after he gave awards to deserving students.
The Chairman’s Gold Medal for PGDM went to Ms. Akansha Chaturvedi and the Vice Chairperson’s Silver Medal to Ms. Mehal Rakhra. The Gold Medal PGDM (Services) was awarded to Ms. Kavita Gupta and Silver Medal to Ms. Akansha Bhoobna. For PGDM (Marketing), The Gold Medalist was Mr. Prakash Chaubey and Vice Chair Person’s Silver Medalist, Mr. Avinash Raj. The Gold Medal for Best Woman Student, 2010 – 2012 went to Ms. Akanksha Chaturvedi.
“The female of the species is certainly deadlier than the male. They took away all the awards, except for one course,” Jain began. Laughter followed.
“You are starting out in life,” he said. “Sometimes it is good to listen to people who have traversed these paths before you. You can learn from them by not making their mistakes. Make your own.”
According to Mr. Sachit Jain, there were three kinds of people. Those who used their hands to work, those who used their brains and those who used their hearts. It is a good idea to be able to use all three if you want to succeed, Mr. Jain suggested.
“One sentence which Dr. J. D. Singh used, ‘Dare to disagree,’ he said. I admire that sentence very much. Also learn how to disagree. If you disagree in the wrong way, you’ve had it,” Jain spoke from the heart.
It was an honour for the students who received their diplomas from Shri Sharad Jaipuria, Chairman, Board of Governors, Jaipuria Institute of Management.
Dr. Anup K. Singh, Director, Jaipuria Noida in his Annual Report, said, “This year has been distinctive for Jaipuria, Noida. The B-School received an A Grade accreditation by National Assessment and Accreditation Council, a body of UGC. Our student centric culture got us A +++ by Business India, AAA by Business and Management Chronicle and Jaipuria Noida is among the top 50 B-Schools by MBA Universe. “
In his vote of thanks, Mr. Shreevats Jaipuria addressed the students as the soul of Jaipuria, Noida. They were stepping out with dreams for a future full of ‘success, happiness and peace’. He said that the Institute has been instrumental in meeting the needs of the nation with a pool of qualified corporate professionals.

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