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Jaipuria Noida’s Research Professor Richa Mishra Follows Texts to a T But Not in Her Teaching Methods

Jaipuria Noida’s Research Professor Richa Mishra Follows Texts to a T But Not in Her Teaching Methods

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In her two-year stint at Jaipuria-Noida, research professor Richa Mishra has come to personify the insitute’s philosophy – that communication is a two-way process. As such, she doesn’t believe in only lecturing her students on research methodologies in management but uses interactive sessions.
“One must learn to make the lectures interesting,” she says. It is more important for students to understand the concept rather than just sit through lectures. Therefore, she resorts to ways of discussion, not just dictation. “Case studies and visual exercises such as paper presentations are vital teaching methodologies that one must practise,” she says.
That’s not only as far as the teacher-student equation at Jaipuria-Noida, goes. The professor says the institute is a well-structured place. In the absence of a hierarchical system, the management is open about all their decisions. They treat every teacher as indispensable. The institute gives a lot of importance to the feedback from the professors. Apart from a top-down approach, it also looks at the bottom-up flow of communication. That helps, says Richa.
Apart from the academics, Richa also personifies the institute’s objective of all-round development. Each professor volunteers for a co-curricular activity committee. Here, she heads the modal training management group.
It is no wonder that she is highly popular among the students of Jaipuria-Noida. The secret, she says, lies in “making the student catch up with the same wavelength as yours while you are teaching a topic.”
So much so for a teacher’s approach. As far as students are concerned, she says, they should also reciprocate a teacher’s enthusiasm and give their best in achieving the target, academically and even as far as their overall development is concerned. Today, managers within the industry must work on strengthening their basics. It is imperative to make the study base strong. One cannot simply rely on Internet search engines for details of all kinds, Richa says. According to her, “Theory given in the books is the basic support structure. Never forget this.” Paper presentations and other visual techniques must go hand in hand with these theories. The former must solely be an application stand; the latter, sacrosanct, she says.
In addition to knowledge – of theoretical systems and industrial methodologies – the Jaipuria professorlays emphasis on a proactive approach. Laziness and procrastination never help in reaching the heights, she says. One must have the confidence to face people and situations at all times. Another helpful tip is to “be a team member.” Since companies designate broad work tasks to teams, not individuals, one must learn how to work and behave in a team, she says. In her case studies and visual-aided presentations, she explains how while retaining one’s self, one should also take notice of the other people in the team. One must work with them, understand them, be compassionate, but at the same
time, never lose sight of the goal – of the task at hand, of the company and even each individual’s workprofile, she says.

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