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Making the most of the IMRB summer internship to make it to Redquanta in final placements, Eva of Jaipuria, Lucknow talks about her PGDM journey

Making the most of the IMRB summer internship to make it to Redquanta in final placements, Eva of Jaipuria, Lucknow talks about her PGDM journey

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When Eva returned from her Summer Internship with IMRB, she had a feeling of- “I think I learnt and performed as much as I could,” but little did Eva know then that her internship will help her convert a full time placements with Redquanta. Located in 517, Palm Springs Centre, Malad, Mumbai, Redquanta is a research, analytics, and consulting firm working with some of the premium companies of the country and the globe. They arrived at the Jaipuria Institute of Management, Lucknow campus in the month of February, 2018 and after a rigorous selection process picked Eva as one of their Project Managers. They found Eva’s SIP experience with IMRB extraordinarily in sync to the work that a Project Manager is expected to conduct at their company.

A typical day for Eva at the office sees her engrossed in client engagement and client retention activities. Other than that, she works around building questionnaires, audit guideline creation, to name a few. “These things, I had learnt at my SIP and had handled them in a more macro level,” exclaims the young girl enthusiastically. “You should never take your internship opportunity for granted- especially if you are a management student. The amount an internship makes you learn is unbelievably outstanding,” she adds. “IMRB is a giant in the field of market research, so getting the opportunity to work with them helped me learn a lot of things that are helpful now at Redquanta for me.”

It has been two and a half months for the Lucknow girl at her new office but like many of her friends, she misses her Jaipuria days. “We learnt a lot in the two years of our PGDM. While Class presentations helped us see through cases and instances with analytical skills, we networked with the industry professionals and alumni extensively. And your PGDM experience does not limit you to just education. You realize the power of deadlines, attendance and good habits when you are continuously under the grind,” says Eva who is now officially an alumni of Jaipuria Institute of Management, Lucknow.

From the out-start of her PGDM journey, she knew what she wanted from it- “I knew which domain interested me the most and am glad to see where I am today.” And why wouldn’t a girl with a precise vision like her won’t succeed anyway! After all, she was paving the path towards this since the beginning. “I was active in various clubs and committees of the B-school. The closest to my heart being – Media Relations Club where I was the Student Point of Contact for an entire year. I had a lot of responsibilities on me throughout the association. I absolutely leveraged all the opportunities to learn while heading the office of the committee.” While Eva could have simply selected to focus on academics and let the rest, take back seat, she chose to balance academic and extracurricular hand in hand. Result? A “happy ending” of PGDM!

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